Saturday 19 November 2016

Judge Not

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”—Luke 6:37
There is a significant difference between judgment and discernment. God sees people's hearts and knows their motives (Prov. 16:2). Only God can accurately judge those who deserve punishment. Ultimately, Christ will sit in judgment upon us all in the day of judgment (2 Cor. 5:10).

Our problem is that we like to sit in the judgment seat and pronounce condemnation upon those whom we think have sinned! Scripture commands us not to judge or condemn others, for we cannot be judgmental and redemptive at the same time. It is difficult to pray sincerely for someone while we are judging them. At times our judgmental attitude can seem to provide us an excuse not to become involved in God's redemptive work in someone's life. Scripture reminds us that God will treat us with the same grace or severity with which we treat others (Luke 6:38).

God commands us not to judge others, but He does want us to be discerning. Jesus said we would know people's spiritual condition by the fruit of their lives (Matt. 7:16). He said grapes are not produced by thorn bushes. If a person's life produces thorns, we can assume that person is not a grapevine! Are we being judgmental? No, we are being discerning. Scripture commands us to avoid associating with scoffers or fools (Prov. 22:10; 17:12). Unless we are able to identify scoffers and fools, we cannot obey God's command. That is not being judgmental, it is being discerning. As Christians, we have been instructed to observe the lives of others so that we can help them while avoiding any sinful influence
You will be helpful to others only if you see them as God does. If you have been judgmental of others, ask forgiveness and pledge yourself to let God use you as His minister of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18).

I'm Fighting Temptation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When will temptation stop? Is there ever a point in your spiritual life when you can expect to be beyond temptation? Will you ever be delivered from persistent attacks by Satan trying to trip you up? Can you hope for rest sometime in the future from ensnaring temptations? No. It is no use misleading you. You will be continually tempted to sin through all your life.

So, if you're stuck with it, you might as well learn how to beat it. There are some basic truths about temptation which, if you know them, will help you defeat the devil.
These are the nine thoughts about Temptation.

The devil is sly. He knows we are especially vulnerable to his attack after we have "come down" from a great spiritual high. Take Jesus, for example. He came to be baptized by the most famous evangelist of the day, John the Baptist. John recognized him as the Messiah. As he was being baptized, Jesus actually heard God's voice from heaven, and the Spirit descended on Him. Quite a spiritual high!

What happened next? He went directly into the wilderness and was tempted for 40 days by the devil (Matthew 3,4). The devil does not tempt at random. He tempts as part of a comprehensive strategy to entice us to sin. He1 knows our emotions are especially vulnerable following a spiritual high time. Perhaps we have let down our guard.

What to do? Watch for these attacks after retreats, camps, conventions, revival meetings, or special services. Immediately following the times when things are going great the devil drags out his biggest cannons of temptation. For me temptation if often absent or suppressed while I'm having a great meeting or revival. But I've learned to get ready for an attack the moment I get into the car or plane and head home. I may have made a fabulous crossing of the Jordan river -- but just inside I come face to face with the towering walls of Jericho. Watch of for a big temptation right after a spiritual high.

Although God never tempts us (James 1:13), He does lead us into places where the devil can tempt us. Even Jesus was led "by the Spirit" into the wilderness to be tempted (Matthew 4:1).

Why does God do this? It almost seems like God and the devil are somehow cooperating in a diabolical plot. Why? Because God sees temptation as a "test." Luther was once asked what he thought was the best preparation for the ministry. His one word answer: "Temptation." God knows that the greatest training for overcoming temptation is...overcoming temptation. The more often we refuse to give in to the devil, the stronger we will be in the future. 2 So, God sometimes leads us to be in a place where the devil will tempt us so that we can resist and become stronger.

Now, don't get me wrong here. A lot of temptations we face, God had nothing to do with. Sometimes, we lead ourselves into temptation! But, still God sometimes leads up to a place where our resistance can be trained and strengthened. We fear this fact about God -- so much so that we pray "Lead us not into temptation." But knowing that God does indeed lead us into temptation at times we follow that quickly with "But, deliver us from evil." God knows that repeated experiences in resisting temptation will strengthen our will and make us stronger than ever.

But there is another thing which encourages us: He will never let us be tempted in a way which we will be unable to resist (I Corinthians 10:13). There are some temptations which, if we faced them, we would certainly crumble and sin. We are not yet strong enough to resist them. But God will not allow these temptations to come our way. In fact, if we are being tempted, we know for sure that God has already approved that temptation to come our way. He has already decided that we are strong enough to resist it.

So the next time you're tempted, keep in mind that God has not lost control of the game and somehow the Devil snuck on around Him. Rather this temptation has been "approved" by God to be sent my way -- for God knows that I'm strong enough to beat it, with His help. To God, it's a test or training for me. And when I do overcome, I'll be stronger for it.

Satan isn't stupid. He does know all things, but tempting is his game, and his one of his names. He and his invisible demons recognize our strong and weak points. It would be foolish for him to continually attack you at an area where you are strong! He didn't read to ready the point above to know that the more you resist temptation the stronger you'll get. If he continually attacked you at your strong points you would merely resist repeatedly. This repeated victory would produce great spiritual power for you!

So, Satan attacks at your weak points--the points where you are most likely to give in. This way he has the best chance of beating you. He finds a weak link in your chain, a soft spot.3 He often tempts through your natural, God-given desires by suggesting that you pervert them for wrong purposes. For instance sex is a good God-given drive, but God wants an unmarried youth to wait until marriage, and a married individual to focus all their sexual energy on their spouse.

The way to discover your own weak point or "besetting sin" is to ask yourself, "What sin am I coming the closest to committing?" Build your defenses in this area.

It's a funny thing. The devil somehow has access to our mind. He is able to conjure up thoughts there which are contrary to God's will for us. He even has access to the mind of a Christian. This whole thing can get quite confusing! Since Satan can insert thoughts in our mind, sometimes we are not sure where they are from. How are we to know if a particular thought is "my own thought" or the devil's?

All this goes on in our minds: God speaks to our minds through His Holy Spirit, we have thoughts that are our own, and the devil speaks to us--it becomes quite a jumbled argument at times.

The point is this: if we are going to defeat Satan in our daily life, it will have to be done in our minds. The seed thoughts he plants there can take root, conceive, and finally produce sin (James 1:14,15). It is in the mind that the battle is won or lost. If he gets our minds, sooner or later he gets all of us. As a person thinks in his heart, so he becomes. Never get the idea you can allow your thought life to go wild without ever actually acting like you been fantasizing, You can't Sooner or later we all become what we think about. Fight the devil off in your mind, and you'll win the battle in your daily walk.

The best way to ensure consistent victory over temptation is a regular habit of taking in God's Word. The Bible promises this itself (Psalms 119:11). God's word is the single best "sin preventative." This happens two ways:

a) God uses the scripture on us.
Have you ever been tempted to do something wrong when a Bible verse or person from the Bible came to mind? Why does this happen? Because the Holy Spirit brings the Bible to our memories in order to remind us an action is sin or stupid. It's as if the Holy spirit rapidly flips through the filing cabinet in our memories and finds the perfect scripture to help us recognize that this is sin we are being tempted to do. Has this even happened to you? If not, could it be that the Holy Spirit finds the "Scripture" memory file almost empty in your head? He won't dictate new Scripture to you -- that's not how it works. He merely helps you recall what you've already got in there. How's your Scripture file?

b) We use it on the devil.
The second use for personal scripture memory files is for a weapon. The one thing that will chase Satan away is God's Word -- the "Sword" of the Spirit. The Bible is our only offensive weapon. Even Jesus, when he was tempted, repeatedly quoted the scripture in order to get rid of Satan(Matthew 4:4,7,10). God's Word has an authority we will never have ourselves. Have you ever tried to use logic and argument in your head against a temptation? If you have, you know that you are no match for Satan's superior debating and rationalizing skills. It is a dangerous thing to go up against the Prince and power of the invisible world with nothing more than your powers of logic. You need a powerful weapon -- God's Word. So, having a time alone with God to read and remember the scriptures may be the single most important discipline in beating temptation.

Don't be surprised if you resist the devil's temptation, quote scripture to yourself and to him, and command him to get away from you, yet he doesn't listen! After all, tempting is his "job description." The devil is "the tempter." His business is trying to get people to disobey God. If he is especially bugging you, it may be because God has some great plans for you, and the devil suspects it. If he could get you to sin, he may be able to throw a monkey wrench into God's plans for you.

So, he especially tempts some people. For instance, those in full-time Christian work or in positions of leadership and influence are his favorite targets. He keeps coming back and trying to get you to fall. He may leave you "for a season"--but, watch out, he'll be back. When he tempted Jesus, he didn't give up after getting defeated over the "stones to bread" temptation. He kept coming back (Luke 4:1-13). You can expect temptation all your life. There is no level of Christian living above temptation. After you continually beat him in one area, he'll find another crevice in your fortification and come at you from that side. You might as well learn to beat him now, since you will be tempted through your whole life.

One of the tricky devices the devil uses is to try to discourage you when you are being tempted, yet haven't even given in. He puts thoughts in your mind, like, "If I'm being tempted to do such an awful thing, I certainly must be an awful person." Or, "Someone tempted to do that certainly could never be used by God." Wrong. Temptation is not sin -- it is yielding to temptation that is sin. If the devil can't get you to give in to temptation, sometimes he will try a backup plan of getting you discouraged just because you are being tempted. Don't let this subterfuge fool you. Remember, Jesus Himself was tempted -- even tempted to "bow down and worship Satan." So, don't get down on yourself just because you're being tempted. Everyone is tempted. And the closer you get to the Lord, the more powerful these temptations may become.

Sometimes, we are pretty "easy pickings" for the devil. He dangles out some morsel of sin, and we gulp it down like hungry fish. It is hardly even work for him. Just because God won't let us be tempted above what we're able to resist doesn't mean it will be easy to resist. Resisting temptation is hard work. It's a fight. But that is what we're involved in -- universal warfare against the devil, his angels, and sin. When temptation comes, fight it! Don't crumble under without a fight. Some of us are like the quarterback who crumbles to his knees as soon as he sees a lineman let somebody through. Instead run with the ball yourself! The Bible promises if we resist the devil, he will flee from us (James 4:7).

So, when the devil marshals his forces to try to get you to disobey God, marshal your own forces -- the name of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, your desire to obey God, the prayers of your Christian friends, and all the forces of God which are immeasurably more powerful than the devil's. If you will resist him, you can beat him!

But there is an even better strategy than fighting -- fleeing. Ask yourself "What tempts me? Are there certain places where the devil is better able to tempt me?" Stay away from those places. "Are there certain people Satan uses to get me to do wrong things?" steer clear of those people. "Are there some things which get a grip on me and entice me to do wrong -- books, videos, magazines, TV shows, habits?" Stay away from those things. Sometimes we fall into temptation because we hang around it too long! There is a time to stay and fight, but there is also a time to run!

Really, temptation is not just between you and the devil. It is a three-way situation. God wants you to live right. The devil is hell-bent, and wants to take you with him. You cast the deciding vote. In a temptation, Jesus is on one side cheering you on, praying that you will be victorious. The devil is on the other side enticing you into rebellion against God. and you are in the middle. You cast the deciding vote -- with Jesus Christ who died for you, or with the devil who intends to destroy you and drag you into hell with him forever.

The next time you are tempted, visualize yourself on the playing field of a great coliseum (Hebrews 12:14). God and His angels watch from one side, the devil and his demons from the other. God and His people are encouraging you to vote with Him. The devil and his demons are enticing you to vote with them. Visualize yourself surrounded by this "great cloud of witnesses." Temptation seems to be a private affair. It's not. Visualize this great unseen crown around you and then make up your mind to go with God.

So, let's win it for the Lord!

Temptation can be turned to spiritual power (Luke 4:14). It's a trick you can use on the devil. When he tempts you to do wrong, resist him with all the guts and determination you have. When you overcome temptation you will find a new spiritual power in your life. This is a great trick you can play on Satan. Every time he tempts you, you resist, and thus get new power. This is the ultimate trick on the devil -- his temptations only make you stronger! He becomes a mere tool of God.
Get this now,when you fall into temptation did not mean the end of the road. You failing yourself does not mean you are a failure, but there are lessons to be learnt. Dont condemn yourself and move forward. Resist the devil and he will flee.

Keep hanging in there -- you beat the Devil!


Does an ax exalt itself
above the one who chops with it?
Does a saw magnify itself
above the one who saws with it?
As if a staff could wave those who lift it!
As if a rod could lift what isn’t wood!—Isaiah 10:15

One of the dangers in the Christian life is to take credit for what God does. This was the Assyrians' problem. They were a weak nation until God chose to bless them in order to use them as an instrument to punish the Israelites. However, the more God blessed them, the more confident they became in their own strength. When the farmers had good crops, they credited their farming skills rather than God. When their army won a victory, their generals took the credit. When the nation experienced prosperity, the Assyrians attributed it to their military and political might. Finally, God pointed out the absurdity of their conclusions (Isa. 10:5–19).

It is sometimes easier to handle poverty or weakness than wealth or strength. Poverty causes us to recognize our need for God. Prosperity persuades us that we no longer require Him. Scripture holds several examples of those who assumed they were self-sufficient, only to realize their dire poverty apart from God. Samson was the strongest person alive, but he forgot that his strength came from God. Once God removed his strength, Samson was reduced to a pitiful slave. Saul was the first king of Israel, yet when God removed His Spirit from this proud monarch, he became a paranoid, petty man, seeking counsel from the occult.

Be careful how you handle the success God gives you! As you enjoy His blessings in your family, your business, or your ministry, keep in mind that you are an instrument in the hands of the Master.

A Pure Heart

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying:
Who should I send?
Who will go for Us?
I said:
Here I am. Send me.—Isaiah 6:8

It takes a pure heart to see God (Matt. 5:8). You can attend church services, read your Bible, and pray, but if sin fills your heart, you will not see God. You will know when you have encountered God because your life will no longer be the same.
Isaiah was concerned with the death of King Uzziah, the able king of Judah, but was disoriented to his heavenly King. Then something happened that forever changed Isaiah's life. God, in all His awesome majesty, appeared to him in the temple, surrounded by heavenly creatures. Instantly, God's presence made Isaiah aware of his sinfulness. One of the seraphim came to him with a burning coal and cleansed Isaiah of his sin. Immediately, Isaiah began to hear things he had never heard before. Now, he was aware of a conversation in heaven concerning who might be worthy to be God's messenger to the people. This prompted Isaiah's eager response: “Here am I! Send me.” Now that God had cleansed Isaiah, he was aware of heavenly concerns and prepared to offer himself in God's service. Whereas Isaiah had been preoccupied with earthly matters, now his only concern was the activity of God.
If you have become estranged from God and His activity, you need to experience His cleansing. Sanctification prepares you to see and hear God. It enables you to serve Him. Only God can purify your heart. Allow Him to remove any impurities that hinder your relationship with Him, and then your service to Him will have meaning as you offer Him your consecrated

When A Sinner Goes to Hell...........

I came across this on the Internet,few years after I graduated from secondary school and it's been my focus. So I want to share it with you.

When A Sinner Goes To Hell. . .
"....the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame." Luke 16:22-24.
"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . ." Matthew 25:41.

"Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:13-14.

"But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 8:12.

"And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for the to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:43-44.

The subject of Hell isn't a very POPULAR subject, but it is, indeed, a very IMPORTANT subject. Jesus preached often about this horrible place for one basic reason: HE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO GO THERE! There are many who consider "hell fire" preaching to be cruel and unnecessary, but the Lord Jesus Christ thought it was very necessary to preach on Hell and WARN lost people of this horrible place.

Friend, since you began reading this tract, many people have died and went to Hell forever, and many more will have gone before you've finished. I can assure you that they would all love to have a second chance. They would all love to be able to read this tract and receive Christ as their Savior, but it's too late for them. They'll be in Hell for eternity. What about YOU?

As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is our Christian duty to WARN people about the eternal torments of Hell. So we urge you to carefully consider these words of warning while you still have a chance, while God's invitation is still open to you.


The sphere of Hell is a round, hollowed-out place in the Earth's core. Scientists say that the Earth's outer crust is less than twenty miles thick, and that beyond that point, there are rivers and lakes of FLAMING HOT LAVA, or, as the Bible calls it, a "lake of fire" (Rev. 20:15). So, this very moment your eternal soul may be less than twenty miles from the burning fires of Hell!

Hell isn't in some distant dimension; Hell is UNDER YOUR FEET! The rebels in Numbers chapter 16 went DOWN into the pit. Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 32:22 about a fire in the LOWEST HELL. Amos 9:2 speaks of people trying to DIG down into Hell. So Hell is a REAL PLACE, and it's UNDER YOUR FEET RIGHT NOW, torturing millions of lost souls forever! Think about that!


If you go to Hell, you'll suffer. That's what Hell is for. Just as the rich man of Luke 16, you'll be TORMENTED IN FLAMES. A sinner closes his eyes in death, and the Devil has his soul to torment in Hell forever.

You say, "God wouldn't allow such a thing to happen." Sure He will! God allows people to suffer all the time. God allowed Hitler to murder 6,000,000 Jews, did He not? God allowed Herod to kill the children under two years old, did He not (Matthew 2)? If God will allow innocent babies to be murdered, then why wouldn't He allow a Christ rejecting sinner to burn in Hell? Did God not allow Jesus Christ, an innocent and sinless man, to be beaten and murdered? If God will allow His only begotten Son to suffer and be murdered, then why should God save a sinner from Hell when he chooses not to trust Christ as Savior? Listen, friend, GOD WILL ALLOW YOU TO GO TO HELL AND BURN IF YOU ARE NOT BORN AGAIN. It happens all the time.

The suffering of Hell is horrible. Not only is there physical suffering, but there is also a great deal of MENTAL suffering. You'll always remember your earthly life. You'll remember your family and your friends. You'll remember your spouse and your children. Just as the rich man in Luke 16, you'll remember it all! You'll also remember the chances that you had to be saved. You'll remember reading this paper, and you'll remember your thoughts and comments about this paper. In Hell, you will always remember the moment that you REJECTED Jesus Christ as your Savior.

All sinners go to Hell, and they go there to suffer.


In Hell, there are certain sounds that you'll never hear. We take many sounds for granted today, but in Hell you'll miss them terribly. For instance, the beautiful sounds of nature will not be there. You can't hear the wind blowing gently through the tree tops in Hell, no flowing springs of water, no birds singing, and no spring showers.

You won't hear any children laughing and playing in Hell, for there are no children in Hell. You won't hear anyone say, "I love you", because in Hell, there isn't any love.

In Hell, you will hear people screaming for mercy twenty-four hours a day. It'll never stop! There will be no peace and quiet in Hell. Hell will be forever filled with roaring flames, boiling hot lava, and the horrible screams of billions of lost souls! You'll never escape the sounds of Hell.


You'll think of the wonderful sights of God's creation, such as the beautiful sunsets, the rolling hills, and the tall snow-topped mountains, but you'll never see them again.

The Lord Jesus described Hell as a place of outer darkness. Imagine being in a place where you could only see flames rolling in the dark. Imagine seeing someone's FACE in those flames! There are no smiling faces in Hell, only the faces of pain, agony and sorrow. You'll remember all of the pretty, smiling faces that you once knew, but you'll never see them again. You'll never see your children again. You'll never see your family again. In Hell, friend, you'll see nothing except weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth forever!


Did you ever stop to think about WHO will be in Hell with you? Hell is the prison house of the universe. Hell is the eternal home of all drunkards, whores, thieves, murderers, hypocrites, queers and lesbians. When you go to Hell, you will not go to some special Hell just for you and your class of people. No, you will go to the prison of the universe, and you will be locked away forever with every enemy of God!

One of the most shocking things that you will discover in Hell is the fact that you will be an INFERIOR being. The Bible says that man was made LOWER THAN THE ANGELS, and Jesus Himself said that Hell was originally prepared for the Devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). Friend, in Hell you will be RULED over by Satan and his evil forces! You will be inferior to the supernatural forces of evil. Your new home will be made up of demons, fallen angels, principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness, and even Satan himself, and YOU will be at the bottom of the guest list! If you go to Hell, you will no doubt feel very much out of place, and you'll be there forever.


Jesus said in Luke 16:22-23 that the rich man there died and was in Hell IMMEDIATELY. He was a sinner, so he went straight to Hell.

Hell is filled with people who thought they'd trust Christ to save them someday. Proverbs 27:1 says, "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." The rich fool in Luke 12 had big plans for the future, but God said, "Thou Fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. . ."

Hell comes suddenly. When King Belshazzar threw his drunken brawl in Daniel chapter five, he had no idea that he'd be in Hell before sunrise. Goliath had no idea that a small stone slung by a young shepherd boy would land his soul in Hell forever, but it did. Before his corpse was even cold, his soul was suffering the torments of Hell. Hell almost always takes its victims by sudden surprise, and YOU could be next.


What is the shame of Hell? Well, friend, the shame of Hell is the fact that, if you go there, you will eventually come to grips with one unforgettable truth: YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GO! Imagine that! Imagine spending ETERNITY with that on your mind! Imagine being in Hell for a million years and then thinking, "I didn't have to come here! I could have received Christ! Oh, what a fool I was! If only I had not been so stubborn! If...if...if...!" That's the shame of Hell: going there when you DON'T HAVE TO GO!

People accuse God of being unfair in sending sinners to Hell. Listen, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO! The decision is YOUR'S, not God's. God made His decision 2000 years ago when He gave His Only Begotten Son to die as a payment for your sins. If you go to Hell, you will go AGAINST God's will, because God wants you to REPENT and trust Christ to save you ( II Peter 3:9). How about it? Will you turn from your sins right now and trust Christ to save you? Remember, it's YOUR decision.


Isaiah 1:18 says, "Come now, let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." All men are sinners and need to be cleansed from sin (Rom. 3:23), and that cleansing can only come through the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:14).

Consider the words of the Apostle Paul: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Your only way to Heaven is through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Why not turn to Him right now? Turn from your sins! Claim His promises and trust Him to save you while there's still time. Tomorrow may be too late.
Conclusively, I quote 1 Corinthians 9:27New King James Version (NKJV)
''But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.''

Thursday 17 November 2016

Abba, Father

And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!”—Galatians 4:6

The word father conjures up different images for everyone. To some it brings the picture of love, laughter, respect, and acceptance. Unfortunately, others associate the term father with fear, rejection, and disappointment. That is why it is so important not to take your understanding of your heavenly Father from your experience. Take it from Scripture. You undoubtedly had an imperfect earthly father, perhaps even one who brought you harm. But, as in all of your Christian life, the key is not to understand the Bible based on your experience, but to understand your experience in light of the Bible. God is your model of a father in the truest sense of the word.
Your heavenly Father was willing to pay any price in order to save you (Rom. 8:32).
Your heavenly Father is always ready to meet your needs (Luke 11:11–13).
Your heavenly Father loves you so much that He is willing to discipline you to bring you to Christian maturity (Prov. 3:11–12; Heb. 12:5–10). Even when you rebel against Him and reject His love, your Father continues to do what is best for you (Rom. 5:8).
He does not make His love for you conditional upon your love for Him. He loves you even when you are not loving Him (1 John 4:19). He has made you His heirs and reserves a home for you in heaven (Rom. 8:15–17).
This is what a father is like biblically. If this has not been your experience, it can be now. There is One who has adopted you and who wants to love you in a way you have never experienced. Take comfort and strength from Him—your heavenly Father.

A Noticeable Difference

When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and knew that they had been with Jesus.—Acts 4:13

There is no mistaking a life transformed by God! The disciples had been vain and fearful when Jesus enlisted them. James and John sought to outmaneuver their fellow disciples in order to gain the places of greatest honor next to Jesus (Mark 10:37). Over and over the disciples' actions showed that they did not truly understand who Jesus was (John 6:7–9; Mark 6:49). Even after three years with Jesus, Peter was afraid to confess Christ before a young servant girl (Matt. 26:69–75). Anyone who knew these men would realize they were not the kind of people on which you build a worldwide kingdom. Yet something happened to them as they were with Jesus. The Holy Spirit transformed them, giving them new boldness and wisdom. Now they could perform miracles and preach fearlessly and persuasively to multitudes. Even their enemies noticed in their changed lives the same power they had witnessed in Jesus.

Sometimes we desperately want others to believe that we have changed, that we are more godly, more devoted, more Spirit-controlled. It is not necessary, however, for those who have been truly transformed by Christ to convince others of the difference; the change will be obvious.

Don't become too introspective, always focusing on yourself and the small changes you see happening over time. As you walk with Jesus daily, let the witness of the changes taking place in you come from others and not from you. If you have to prove to someone that God has really changed you, He has not. Those around you will surely notice when your life has been transformed by your relationship with Jesus.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

The concluding part (Temperament)


C. PHLEGMATIC — The Phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics are referred to asthe watcher — they are best in positions of unity and mediation, and solid in positions that desire steadiness. The Phlegmatic is most often a female who tends to be easygoing, content with herself, calm, cool and collected, tolerant of others, well-balanced, sympathetic, kind, unassuming, keeps emotions hidden, is happily reconciled to life, not in a hurry, has many friends, avoids conflict, inoffen-sive, quiet but witty, agreeable and intuitive… though they are very peaceful, patient and adaptable, they tend to be reluctant, indecisive and a worrier. They are wonderful at gathering facts, classifying them, and seeing the relationship between them; basically, they are good at generalizing, seeing the bigger picture, and reading between the lines. They are accepting, affectionate, frequently shy, and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. Because they are fearful, indecisive and hesitant of things in life, they have a compromising nature. Phleg-matics often worries about everything. They want to know other people’s deepest feelings and strive to build intimate attachments with just about everyone in their lives. They are interested in cooperation and interpersonal harmony, and this is why they preserve their family ties and friendships. They could be described as considerate, charitable, sympathetic, trusting, warm, calm, relaxed, consistent, rational, curious, and observant — this makes them good adminis-trators. Phlegmatic men and women strive for greater self-knowledge, and seek to contribute to society at large. On the negative side, they are often selfish, self-righteous, judge others easily, resist change, stay uninvolved, dampen enthusiasm, and can be passive-aggressive. In large part, the Phlegmatic temperament is deemed to be a neutral temperament. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Phlegmatic are Joseph, Timothy and Barnabas. In addition to the following characteristics, the Phlegmatic is essentially described as being relational and an introvert
• Is deliberative; slow in making decisions; perhaps overcautious in minor matters.
• Is indifferent to external affairs.
• Is reserved and distant.
• Is slow in movement.
• Has a marked tendency to persevere.
• Exhibits a constancy of mood.

D. MELANCHOLIC — The Melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted & thoughtful. Melancholies are often referred to as the thinker.”  Their analytical personality’s desire caution and restraint, best at attending to details and in analyzing problems too difficult for others. They tend to be deep-thinkers and feelers who often see the negative attributes of life, rather than the good and positive things. They are self-reliant and independent and get wholly involved in what they are doing. Melancholies can be highly creative in activities such as art, literature, music, health-care and ministry, and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world; they long to make a significant and lasting difference in the world. Melancholies usually have a high degree of perfectionist tendencies, especially in regards to their own lives or performance. They are serious, purposeful, analytical, musical, artistic, talented, creative, self-sacrificing, conscien-tious, idealistic, philosophical, and are genius prone. They are also very “introspective” and hold themselves to a very high standard — one that can rarely be achieved. They tend to be highly organized, schedule oriented, economical, tidy, neat, detail conscious, finish what they start, like charts, graphs, figures and lists, see the problems and are able to identify creative solutions with ease. Sadly, many Melancholies are also victims of deep bouts of depression that come from great dissatisfaction, disappointment, hurtful words or events. Melancholy personalities are people who have a deep love for others, while usually holding themselves in contempt. In short, melancholies take life very seriously (too much so sometimes) and it often leaves them feeling blue, helpless or even hopeless. Because they are deeply caring people, they make great doctors, nurses, social workers, ministers, and teachers. This comes from a deep sense of what others are feeling or experiencing and the inward need to reach out and do something in order to help them. They are extremely loyal in friendships; there is an old saying that goes like this: “If you have a Melancholy for a friend, you have a friend for life.” Most Melancholies have a low self-image, are inclined toward depression, think “self-promotion” is tacky, are continually into “fixing themselves,” are notoriously “guilty” (they have an over-active conscious), and tend to worry much too often about their health. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Melancholy are Moses and Abraham. In addition to the following characteristics listed below, the Melancholy is essentially described as being organizational and an introvert
• Is self-conscious, easily embarrassed, timid, bashful.
• Avoids talking before a group; when obliged to he finds it difficult.
• Prefers to work and play alone. Good in details; careful.
• Is deliberative; slow in making decisions; perhaps overcautious even in minor matters.
• Is lacking in self-confidence and initiative; compliant and yielding.
• Tends to detachment from environment; reserved and distant except to intimate friends.
• Tends to depression; frequently moody or gloomy; very sensitive; easily hurt.
• Does not form acquaintances readily; prefers narrow range of friends; somewhat exclusionary.
• Worries over possible misfortune; crosses bridges before coming to them.
• Is secretive; seclusive; shut in; not inclined to speak unless spoken to.
• Is slow in movement; deliberative or perhaps indecisive; moods frequent and constant.
• Often represents himself at a disadvantage; modest and unassuming.
Closing note to this section: The biblical characters listed above — Joseph, Timothy, Barnabas, David, Peter, Paul, James, Titus, Martha, Moses, and Abraham — obviously possessed temperaments other than the one attributed to them. These individuals were chosen because of the behavioral tendencies they demonstrated at various times in biblical history.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


CHOLERIC — The Choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like.  The Choleric is the strongest of the extroverted Temperaments, and is sometimes referred to as a “Type A” personality or “the doer” (or “the driver”); he is a hard driving individual known for accomplishing goals… he has a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and tries to instill it    in others.  Dominant in personality Cholerics desire control, and are best at jobs that demand strong control and authority, and require quick decisions and instant attention.  The Choleric is the most insensitive of the Temperaments; they care little for the feelings of others; feelings simply don’t play into the equation for them.  Most Cholerics are men, and born leaders who exude confidence; they are naturally gifted businessmen, strong willed, independent, self sufficient, they see the whole picture, organize well, insist on production, stimulate activity, thrive on opposition, are unemotional and not easily discouraged.  They are decisive, must correct wrongs when they see them, and compulsively need to change things.  They systematize everything, are all about independence, and do not do well in a subordinate position.  They are goal oriented and have a wonderful focus as they work; they are good at math and engineering, are analytical, logical and pragmatic; and are masters at figuring things out.  They are skeptical and do not trust easy; they need to investigate the facts on their own, relying on their own logic and reasoning.  If they are absorbed in something, do not even bother trying to get their attention.  Negatively, they are bossy, domineering, impatient, can’t relax, quick tempered, easily angered, unsympathetic, enjoy arguments, too impetuous, and can dominate people of other temperaments, especially the Phlegmatic types.  Many great charismatic military and political figures were Cholerics.  They like to be in charge of everything… they are workaholics who thrive on control and want their way… they are highly independent people, and have very little respect   for diplomas and other credentials.  They set high standards, are diligent and hard-working, are rarely satisfied, and never give up their attempts to succeed.  Choleric women are very rare, but strangely are very popular people.  Cholerics have the most trouble with anger, intolerance and impatience; they want facts instead of emotions; and should you get your feelings hurt, it’s your problem, not theirs.  The Choleric does not have many friends (though he needs them), and he  has a tendency to fall into deep sudden depression, and is much prone to mood swings.  The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Choleric are the apostle Paul, James, Martha and Titus.  In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Choleric is essentially described as being organizational and an extrovert…
• Is self-composed; seldom shows embarrassment, is forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group if he has some purpose in view.
• Is insistent upon the acceptance of his ideas or plans; argumentative and persuasive.
• Is impetuous & impulsive; plunges into situations where forethought would have deterred him.
• Is self-confident and self-reliant; tends to take success for granted.
• Exhibits strong initiative; tends to elation of spirit; seldom gloomy; prefers to lead.
• Is very sensitive and easily hurt; reacts strongly to praise or blame.
• Is not given to worry or anxiety; he is seclusive.
• Is quick and decisive in movement; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Has marked tendency to persevere; does not abandon something readily regardless of success.
• Is characterized by emotions not freely or spontaneously expressed, except anger.
• Makes best appearance possible; perhaps conceited; may use hypocrisy, deceit, disguise.


Following is a brief description of each of the four temperaments or personalities — at the end of each description I have listed the two primary characteristics for that temperament. By identify-ing the two temperaments that best describe who you are as a person, you should be able to identify your “strongest characteristic” — be it predominantly extroversion, introversion, organizational, or relational. Aside from the Extrovert-Introvert continuum that was described above on the pre-vious page, there is the Organizational-Relational continuum — Cholerics and Melancholies are moreorganizational,” whereas the Sanguines and Phlegmatics are morerelational.” With that said, let’s look at a description of the four temperaments, beginning with the “sanguine” —

A. SANGUINE — The Sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking. Sanguine’s are frequently referred to as the talker.” They are expressive in personality… desire influence, and being enthusiastic with people… in expressing thoughts with excitement… and being the center of attention. The Sanguine is sociable and charismatic, generally warm-hearted, pleasant, lively, optimistic, creative, compassionate, and outgoing; he is the life of the party, humorous, enthusiastic, and cheerful; he easily attracts others and makes friends; he inspires others to work and join in the fun. He is sincere at heart, always a child, creative and colorful, possesses energy and enthusiasm, loves people, is a great volunteer, thrives on compliments, and doesn’t hold grudges. The Sanguine likes to talk a lot… struggles with completing tasks… is chronically late… and tends to forget his obligations… he bases his decisions primarily on feelings. Sanguine types can be great parents, because they love to have fun; but their homes are often frenzied and disorganized, and the only time you find everyone silent is when they are sleeping! Sanguine people usually possess high amounts of energy, so they often seem restless and spon-taneous. This type of personality loves the life of luxury and impressing others… they are big spenders… they love to travel the world and indulge in rich, comfortable living… and they will do almost anything to satisfy their always present need to be absorbed by something meaningful and exciting. They are impulsive and often find it difficult to control their cravings; as such, people with this temperament are more susceptible to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and taking risk; sadly, they are most susceptible to chemical imbalances, addictions and mood disorders. These people feel bored if they are not absorbed by something intriguing and adventurous. The Sanguine is very poor at tolerating boredom; for the most part he will try to avoid monotony and that which is routine at all costs; routine jobs and boring companions annoy him and irritate him. The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Sanguine are King David and Peter. In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Sanguine is essentially described as being relational and an extrovert
• Is self-composed, seldom shows signs of embarrassment, perhaps forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group; likes to be heard.
• Prefers group activities; work or play; not easily satisfied with individual projects.
• Is not insistent upon acceptance of his ideas or plans; compliant and yielding.
• Is good in details; prefers activities requiring pep and energy.
• Is impetuous and impulsive; his decisions are often (usually) wrong.
• Is keenly alive to environment, physical and social; likes curiosity.
• Tends to take success for granted; is a follower; lacks initiative.
• Is hearty and cordial, even to strangers; forms acquaintanceship easily.
• Tends to elation of spirit; not given to worry and anxiety; is carefree.
• Seeks wide and broad range of friendships; is not selective; not exclusive in games.
• Is quick and decisive in movements; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Turns from one activity to another in rapid succession; little perseverance.
• Makes adjustments easily; welcomes changes; makes the best appearance possible.
• Is frank, talkative, sociable, expresses emotions readily; does not stand on ceremony.
• Has frequent fluctuations of mood; tends to frequent alterations of elation and depression.
Following is a brief description of each of the four temperaments or personalities — at the end of each description I have listed the two primary characteristics for that temperament.  By identifying the two temperaments that best describe who you are as a person, you should be able to identify your “strongest characteristic” — be it predominantly extroversion, introversion, organizational, or relational.   Aside from the Extrovert-Introvert continuum that was described above on the previous page, there is the Organizational-Relational continuum — Cholerics and Melancholies are more “organizational,” whereas the Sanguines and Phlegmatics are more “relational.”  With that said, let’s look at a description of the four temperaments, beginning with the “sanguine” —
A. SANGUINE — The Sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking.   Sanguine’s are referred to as “the talker.”  They are expressive in personality… desire influence, and being enthusiastic with people… in expressing thoughts with excitement… and being the center of attention. The Sanguine is sociable and charismatic, generally warm-hearted, pleasant, lively, optimistic, creative, compassionate, and outgoing; he is the life of the party, humorous, enthusiastic, and cheerful; he easily attracts others and makes friends; he inspires others to work and join in the fun.  He is sincere at heart, always a child, creative and colorful, possesses energy and enthusiasm, loves people, is a great volunteer, thrives on compliments, and doesn’t hold grudges.  The Sanguine likes to talk a lot… struggles with completing tasks… is chronically late… and tends to forget his obligations… he bases his decisions primarily on feelings.  Sanguine types can be great parents, because they love to have fun; but their homes are often frenzied and disorganized, and the only time you find everyone silent is when they are sleeping!  Sanguine people usually possess high amounts of energy, so they often seem restless and spontaneous.  This type of personality loves the life of luxury and impressing others… they are big spenders… they love to travel the world and indulge in rich, comfortable living… and they will do almost anything to satisfy their always present need to be absorbed by something meaningful and exciting.  They are impulsive and often find it difficult to control their cravings; as such, people with this temperament are more susceptible to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and taking risk; sadly, they are most susceptible to chemical imbalances, addictions and mood disorders.  These people feel bored if they are not absorbed by something intriguing and adventurous.  The Sanguine is very poor at tolerating boredom; for the most part he will try to avoid monotony and that which is routine at all costs; routine jobs and boring companions annoy him and irritate him.  The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Sanguine are King David and Peter.  In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Sanguine is essentially described as being relational and an extrovert…
• Is self-composed, seldom shows signs of embarrassment, perhaps forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group; likes to be heard.
• Prefers group activities; work or play; not easily satisfied with individual projects.
 • Is not insistent upon acceptance of his ideas or plans; compliant and yielding.
• Is good in details; prefers activities requiring pep and energy.
• Is impetuous and impulsive; his decisions are often (usually) wrong.
• Is keenly alive to environment, physical and social; likes curiosity.
• Tends to take success for granted; is a follower; lacks initiative.
• Is hearty and cordial, even to strangers; forms acquaintanceship easily.
• Tends to elation of spirit; not given to worry and anxiety; is carefree.
• Seeks wide and broad range of friendships; is not selective; not exclusive in games.
• Is quick and decisive in movements; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Turns from one activity to another in rapid succession; little perseverance.  • Makes adjustments easily; welcomes changes; makes the best appearance possible.
• Is frank, talkative, sociable, expresses emotions readily; does not stand on ceremony.
• Has frequent fluctuations of mood; tends to frequent alterations of elation and depression

Sunday 13 November 2016


Evening Princes and Princesses, how was today service, hope you enjoy God's presence.
Tonight, we are talking about  THE TEMPERAMENTS.

There are “reasons” for everything we do as human beings, though it is often difficult for us to understand why we think like we think, feel like we feel, or act like we act in life. Many of the answers for human behavior can be found in people’s temperaments or personalities. The study of the human personality goes all the way back to the famous Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 BC), the “father of medicine” — he was born during the prophetic ministries of Nehemiah and Malachi, or some 450 years before the birth of Christ. Hippocrates’ work has been researched extensively and is used as a dynamic diagnostic tool in both psychology and psychiatry to this day. A generic explanation of humanTemperaments or Personalities is that all of us have been born with genetically inherited “behavioral tendencies” that are as much a part of our DNA as is the color of our hair; all of us are made up of DNA combinations passed on to us through our parents and ancestors. This fact is important because it helps us to more fully understand our basic behavioral disposition. Even though much of our human personality is inherited, it should also be noted, much of it has also been influenced and shaped by our unique environments. Most scientific research on human behavior suggests that about 50% of the variations in human personality are determined by genetic factors — so our human behavior is shaped equally by our environment and by our DNA. Thus, all of us as human beings have been hard-wired by our Creator (we are not just products of random chance – Ps 119:73; 139:13-16; Is 44:24), and we have all been impacted by the world around us. Furthermore, according to the scientific analysis all human personalities are commonly divided up into four major categories (with the exception of those with severe mental disorders), and these four types are further broken down into two categories — Extroverts and Introverts:
Extroverted Personalities: The Choleric and Sanguine personality-types are more “out-going,” more sociable, and more comfortable in a crowd, even standing out in a crowd.
Introverted Personalities: The Melancholy and Phlegmatic personality-types are more shy and “reserved” and feel anxious about being in crowd, especially at being singled-out in a crowd.
It should be noted that all human beings have a degree of each of these four personality types within them, though each person will definitely test out higher in one, with another being a close second.  No individual only possesses one personality type, and most of us have a very strong secondary temperament. Should you take one of the personality tests available today, you would discover that you possess dominant characteristics in a couple of the temperaments, and each kind of personality has a general characteristic associated with it. It should be noted that there are varying degrees of Extroversion and Introversion — in other words, some Phlegmatics and Melancholies “border” on being out-going, and some Cholerics and Sanguines “border” on being shy. Though the characteristics may not be true for everyone with a particular personality, they are generally true for the vast majority of people. All four personality types have general strengths and weaknesses with which people must contend, and no one personality type is better than any other. All four have both good and bad qualities, and all four are needed to make this world a better place. Whatever your temperament or personality, God is the one who has given you the abilities and sensitivities that you possess, and He has given those things to you for a purpose — that you might faithfully work at developing them and using them in His service. Though our temperaments have been tainted by sin and the fall, God’s Spirit is mightily at work in us transforming us into the image of Christ that we might be more effective workmen in His Kingdom (Jn 17:17-20; 2 Cor 3:18; 5:20; Eph 4:7-16; Phil 2:13). Remember, no two people are alike – we are all unique – and we have all been given a unique call-ing in life. Therefore it is important that we not covet qualities we do not possess; rather, that we focus on discovering God’s will for our lives and enjoy serving Him with the skill-set with which we have been blessed; knowing that God wants to use us to do the work for which He designed us. So identify your skills and strengths and get to work! (Prayerfully reflect upon the following passages –- Mt 6:33; 13:12; 25:14-30; Lk 12:48; Jn 21:20-22; 1 Cor 4:2; 12:4-7, 21-24; Eph 2:10).
Of all the relationships we have in life, marriage is by far the most important. A good relation-ship between a husband and a wife makes for a happy home. A marriage shadowed by bitterness, fighting and other unpleasantness leaves its scars on not only the couple, but also on their children and those around them. Good marriages are not just accidents — they are the result of hard work and understanding. In general, marriages between two people with thesame personality type have the greatest potential for clashing, and anyone married to a sanguine or choleric is in for a challenge; this is mainly due to the tendencies of these two personality types to require excessive attention and control, respectively. Thus pretty much all marriages will have fairly significant challenges. Most oftenopposites do attract — Sanguine individuals tend to marry Melancholy ones, and Cholerics favor Phlegmatics; though such situations are not always the case, they do appear to be the most common. It should be noted that there is no such thing asthe ideal combination;” we are all fallen human beings with foibles and shortcomings.
 to be continue>>>>>>

Corrupt Customs and Tax Officers

Levi was popularly known as Matthew,one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. He was the writer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ named after him (The Gospel according to Matthew).
He was a publican and tax collector like Zaccheaus. When Jesus called him,he left everything and followed Jesus.
Tax collectors and the custom officers are government/civil officers saddled with the responsibilities of collecting revenues and taxes for the government.
However,they were usually considered to be corrupt because of the following practices.
1). They inflated the taxes of citizens than expected.
2). They were not compassionate,because they used illegal and forceful means to collect taxes from people,thereby enriching their own purse at the expense of others.
3). They were not truthful or faithful in the disbursements of the taxes to the government.
4). They were collaborators with the government's of Rome to make life difficult for their fellow citizens.
5). They were sentimental in their dealings and transactions.
6). They take bribes from people to alter records and judgment.
7). They were liars and cheats.
These portrays a typical tax collector as a corrupt,ungodly and immoral person. This described perfectly the perception of people about Matthew (Levi). Jesus can call anyone no matter how deep you are in sin,when you are ready to accept His offers of SALVATION.
Levi had a clear idea of how much it would cost to follow Jesus, yet he did not hesitate a moment,when he left his tax collection table. He left such lucrative though dishonest business and followed Jesus. Matthew 16:24-26
Levi's response to the call was exceptional as Jesus would want all His followers to do.
Although,there were Pharisees who wrapped their sins in respectability and religion, making themselves appear good,publicly doing good deeds and pointing to the sins of others but with people who were sorrowful for their own sins and knew they were not good enough for God. In order to come to  God. We must humbly repent and renounce our sins. Isaiah 1:18
Tremendous change happened to Levi when he decided to follow Jesus. Jesus gave him a new life and he became a Son of God. The change was a wonderful one. 2 Cor 5:17
Jesus gave Levi a new purpose for his skills, when he followed Jesus,the only tool from his past that he carried with him was the pen,from the beginning God made him a record keeper, Jesus's call eventually allowed him to put his skills to their finest work. He was a keen observer and undoubted recorded what he saw going on around the ministry of Jesus. The Gospel that bears his name came as a result of his refined skills.
His experience points out that each of us should be considered as God's work in progress. Much of what God has for us,he gives to us long before we are able to consciously respond to Him. He entrusted us with skills,abilities,tendencies and gifts ahead of schedule. He has made each of us capable of being His vessels. Rom 8:30
When we trust Him with what He gave us,we will begin a life of purpose. Levi could not have known that God would use the very skill he had sharpened and always used as a corrupt tax collector to record the greatest story ever. And God has no less meaningful a purpose for each of us.
Let us strife to put aside all corrupt and unworldly customs and practices in our Businesses,Careers and Homes. Let us walk in the steps of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.