Tuesday 15 November 2016


CHOLERIC — The Choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like.  The Choleric is the strongest of the extroverted Temperaments, and is sometimes referred to as a “Type A” personality or “the doer” (or “the driver”); he is a hard driving individual known for accomplishing goals… he has a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and tries to instill it    in others.  Dominant in personality Cholerics desire control, and are best at jobs that demand strong control and authority, and require quick decisions and instant attention.  The Choleric is the most insensitive of the Temperaments; they care little for the feelings of others; feelings simply don’t play into the equation for them.  Most Cholerics are men, and born leaders who exude confidence; they are naturally gifted businessmen, strong willed, independent, self sufficient, they see the whole picture, organize well, insist on production, stimulate activity, thrive on opposition, are unemotional and not easily discouraged.  They are decisive, must correct wrongs when they see them, and compulsively need to change things.  They systematize everything, are all about independence, and do not do well in a subordinate position.  They are goal oriented and have a wonderful focus as they work; they are good at math and engineering, are analytical, logical and pragmatic; and are masters at figuring things out.  They are skeptical and do not trust easy; they need to investigate the facts on their own, relying on their own logic and reasoning.  If they are absorbed in something, do not even bother trying to get their attention.  Negatively, they are bossy, domineering, impatient, can’t relax, quick tempered, easily angered, unsympathetic, enjoy arguments, too impetuous, and can dominate people of other temperaments, especially the Phlegmatic types.  Many great charismatic military and political figures were Cholerics.  They like to be in charge of everything… they are workaholics who thrive on control and want their way… they are highly independent people, and have very little respect   for diplomas and other credentials.  They set high standards, are diligent and hard-working, are rarely satisfied, and never give up their attempts to succeed.  Choleric women are very rare, but strangely are very popular people.  Cholerics have the most trouble with anger, intolerance and impatience; they want facts instead of emotions; and should you get your feelings hurt, it’s your problem, not theirs.  The Choleric does not have many friends (though he needs them), and he  has a tendency to fall into deep sudden depression, and is much prone to mood swings.  The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Choleric are the apostle Paul, James, Martha and Titus.  In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Choleric is essentially described as being organizational and an extrovert…
• Is self-composed; seldom shows embarrassment, is forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group if he has some purpose in view.
• Is insistent upon the acceptance of his ideas or plans; argumentative and persuasive.
• Is impetuous & impulsive; plunges into situations where forethought would have deterred him.
• Is self-confident and self-reliant; tends to take success for granted.
• Exhibits strong initiative; tends to elation of spirit; seldom gloomy; prefers to lead.
• Is very sensitive and easily hurt; reacts strongly to praise or blame.
• Is not given to worry or anxiety; he is seclusive.
• Is quick and decisive in movement; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Has marked tendency to persevere; does not abandon something readily regardless of success.
• Is characterized by emotions not freely or spontaneously expressed, except anger.
• Makes best appearance possible; perhaps conceited; may use hypocrisy, deceit, disguise.

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