Tuesday 15 November 2016

Following is a brief description of each of the four temperaments or personalities — at the end of each description I have listed the two primary characteristics for that temperament.  By identifying the two temperaments that best describe who you are as a person, you should be able to identify your “strongest characteristic” — be it predominantly extroversion, introversion, organizational, or relational.   Aside from the Extrovert-Introvert continuum that was described above on the previous page, there is the Organizational-Relational continuum — Cholerics and Melancholies are more “organizational,” whereas the Sanguines and Phlegmatics are more “relational.”  With that said, let’s look at a description of the four temperaments, beginning with the “sanguine” —
A. SANGUINE — The Sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking.   Sanguine’s are referred to as “the talker.”  They are expressive in personality… desire influence, and being enthusiastic with people… in expressing thoughts with excitement… and being the center of attention. The Sanguine is sociable and charismatic, generally warm-hearted, pleasant, lively, optimistic, creative, compassionate, and outgoing; he is the life of the party, humorous, enthusiastic, and cheerful; he easily attracts others and makes friends; he inspires others to work and join in the fun.  He is sincere at heart, always a child, creative and colorful, possesses energy and enthusiasm, loves people, is a great volunteer, thrives on compliments, and doesn’t hold grudges.  The Sanguine likes to talk a lot… struggles with completing tasks… is chronically late… and tends to forget his obligations… he bases his decisions primarily on feelings.  Sanguine types can be great parents, because they love to have fun; but their homes are often frenzied and disorganized, and the only time you find everyone silent is when they are sleeping!  Sanguine people usually possess high amounts of energy, so they often seem restless and spontaneous.  This type of personality loves the life of luxury and impressing others… they are big spenders… they love to travel the world and indulge in rich, comfortable living… and they will do almost anything to satisfy their always present need to be absorbed by something meaningful and exciting.  They are impulsive and often find it difficult to control their cravings; as such, people with this temperament are more susceptible to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling and taking risk; sadly, they are most susceptible to chemical imbalances, addictions and mood disorders.  These people feel bored if they are not absorbed by something intriguing and adventurous.  The Sanguine is very poor at tolerating boredom; for the most part he will try to avoid monotony and that which is routine at all costs; routine jobs and boring companions annoy him and irritate him.  The Bible characters that seem to best fit the characteristics of a Sanguine are King David and Peter.  In addition to the characteristics listed below, the Sanguine is essentially described as being relational and an extrovert…
• Is self-composed, seldom shows signs of embarrassment, perhaps forward or bold.
• Is eager to express himself before a group; likes to be heard.
• Prefers group activities; work or play; not easily satisfied with individual projects.
 • Is not insistent upon acceptance of his ideas or plans; compliant and yielding.
• Is good in details; prefers activities requiring pep and energy.
• Is impetuous and impulsive; his decisions are often (usually) wrong.
• Is keenly alive to environment, physical and social; likes curiosity.
• Tends to take success for granted; is a follower; lacks initiative.
• Is hearty and cordial, even to strangers; forms acquaintanceship easily.
• Tends to elation of spirit; not given to worry and anxiety; is carefree.
• Seeks wide and broad range of friendships; is not selective; not exclusive in games.
• Is quick and decisive in movements; pronounced or excessive energy output.
• Turns from one activity to another in rapid succession; little perseverance.  • Makes adjustments easily; welcomes changes; makes the best appearance possible.
• Is frank, talkative, sociable, expresses emotions readily; does not stand on ceremony.
• Has frequent fluctuations of mood; tends to frequent alterations of elation and depression

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