Sunday 13 November 2016

Corrupt Customs and Tax Officers

Levi was popularly known as Matthew,one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. He was the writer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ named after him (The Gospel according to Matthew).
He was a publican and tax collector like Zaccheaus. When Jesus called him,he left everything and followed Jesus.
Tax collectors and the custom officers are government/civil officers saddled with the responsibilities of collecting revenues and taxes for the government.
However,they were usually considered to be corrupt because of the following practices.
1). They inflated the taxes of citizens than expected.
2). They were not compassionate,because they used illegal and forceful means to collect taxes from people,thereby enriching their own purse at the expense of others.
3). They were not truthful or faithful in the disbursements of the taxes to the government.
4). They were collaborators with the government's of Rome to make life difficult for their fellow citizens.
5). They were sentimental in their dealings and transactions.
6). They take bribes from people to alter records and judgment.
7). They were liars and cheats.
These portrays a typical tax collector as a corrupt,ungodly and immoral person. This described perfectly the perception of people about Matthew (Levi). Jesus can call anyone no matter how deep you are in sin,when you are ready to accept His offers of SALVATION.
Levi had a clear idea of how much it would cost to follow Jesus, yet he did not hesitate a moment,when he left his tax collection table. He left such lucrative though dishonest business and followed Jesus. Matthew 16:24-26
Levi's response to the call was exceptional as Jesus would want all His followers to do.
Although,there were Pharisees who wrapped their sins in respectability and religion, making themselves appear good,publicly doing good deeds and pointing to the sins of others but with people who were sorrowful for their own sins and knew they were not good enough for God. In order to come to  God. We must humbly repent and renounce our sins. Isaiah 1:18
Tremendous change happened to Levi when he decided to follow Jesus. Jesus gave him a new life and he became a Son of God. The change was a wonderful one. 2 Cor 5:17
Jesus gave Levi a new purpose for his skills, when he followed Jesus,the only tool from his past that he carried with him was the pen,from the beginning God made him a record keeper, Jesus's call eventually allowed him to put his skills to their finest work. He was a keen observer and undoubted recorded what he saw going on around the ministry of Jesus. The Gospel that bears his name came as a result of his refined skills.
His experience points out that each of us should be considered as God's work in progress. Much of what God has for us,he gives to us long before we are able to consciously respond to Him. He entrusted us with skills,abilities,tendencies and gifts ahead of schedule. He has made each of us capable of being His vessels. Rom 8:30
When we trust Him with what He gave us,we will begin a life of purpose. Levi could not have known that God would use the very skill he had sharpened and always used as a corrupt tax collector to record the greatest story ever. And God has no less meaningful a purpose for each of us.
Let us strife to put aside all corrupt and unworldly customs and practices in our Businesses,Careers and Homes. Let us walk in the steps of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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