Monday 26 December 2016

The Signed GREAT COMMISSION...............

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matt 28:19-20 (KJV)
Jesus gave out the greatest commission to go and preach the world to all nations, so it"s a great joy to see you moving forward in your ministry.
I'm glad  and opportune to see him as youth Chaplain, Reverend, Teacher and a Friend. I can remember vividly when we will be together in your office 'dismantle THE WORD' in your office.

              A man of God that possesses the following qualities,
 Good behavior
A good teacher
a great motivator
Not quarrelsome 
He rule his house well
A prayer warrior
A good listerner
  I suspect that there is a hunger in your heart to be used of God not merely occasionally, but consistently. And to be used, not despite yourself, as sometimes happens, but to be used with full acquiescence and acceptance of God's program for you. Doubtless you desire to be used to heal, to make right, to restore, to break down middle walls of participation, to unite that which is shattered and fragmented, to deliver from oppression, from bondage and enslavement, to enlighten and open eyes, to illuminate reality, to dispel mists, illusions and visions, and to empower, enrich, fulfill, and intensify. All these are descriptions of the work God is here to do, and what he will use you to do since you are available to him. It is exactly what God proposes to do with each one you. and thus to be used is what gives meaning and purpose to life.

I am proud to say you are a great learner, learning from your Father-in-Lord The Ven. D. O Adebayo which opens up more of Spiritual maturity, becoming grown up as a Christian, is nothing more nor less than to be made ready for consistent use by the Spirit of God. When you have reached that place it will be marked by certain signs, which are unconsciously revealed to us by the apostle Paul in a well-known passage from the first chapter of Romans:

"I want you to know, brethren, that I have often intended to come to you (but thus far have been prevented), in order that I may reap some harvest among you as well as among the rest of the Gentiles. I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish: so I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

It should be quite apparent that the apostle is not drawing a deliberate self-portrait. He does not intend to talk about himself or what kind of a man he is; he is simply breathing out to these Roman Christians, many of whom he has never met, a longstanding desire on his part to come to the capital of the Empire to visit them and to have a ministry among them. But in the process of doing this he unconsciously reveals the qualities of the man or woman that God uses. This we will look at together.
           You are familiar with the three common divisions of this text, the three "I am's" of verse 14, 15, and 16. First, "I am under obligation [or as the Old Version puts it, "l am a debtor" both to Greeks and to barbarians." Here the apostle is breathing out his desire to be used to reach others. He is the man for others; he is under compulsion to travel incessantly to reach "both Greeks and barbarians" (or as we would put it in our modern terminology, both the squares and the hippies), "the wise and the foolish " (the eggheads and the hopheads). It does not make any difference what branch of society you are considering, the apostle says, I have a sense of obligation to any of them. I am under compulsion to reach them and to help them and change them. You see the beating of his heart for other people.
So it is in agenda of God for a man of God to move forward in his ministry
Even when things are tough and unfriendly remember,
             Faith, mighty faith the promise sees
             And looks to God alone:
             Laughs as impossibilities
             And cries, "It shall be done."

It is power, says the apostle, living power, a living force. It is not some kind of a peace tablet dropped into the heart which gives a momentary comfort. No, no. It is a force that goes to work and keeps on working away, driving you out of yourself, thrusting you on. You can't sleep sometimes because it keeps working on you. You can't run away from it, you can't evade it. It is there, and it keeps pushing and pushing relentlessly, driving you on. It is a living force at work in your life. It is the kind of power that nothing else can equal because it is resurrection power. It works in the midst of death. It works best in a cemetery. If you are living in a cemetery you are a fit candidate for the power of God. Resurrection power works when nothing else will work.

Finally, it is simple in its acceptance. It is by faith. By faith! That's all, by believing, by commitment to it. It comes by a man or a woman saying, "I don't understand everything about it, but I've seen enough to know that it's true---I'll follow it anyway." And they do. That commitment of faith to Jesus Christ is the door by which life is opened.

There we have it. Here is the man God uses consistently, continuously: the man who is confident in the power of God, confident that God is at work, confident that he will be at work in his life. Because this is not just for apostles, it is for everyone. Paul said that he was a pattern for everyone of how this Christian life works. The first note of it is that to become confident God is at work, that he can work, does work, and will work, and that he is quite able to do what nothing else can do.

Second, here is a man who is constrained, moved, and is motivated, not by the need around him but by the face before him---by the love of the Lord Jesus and the expectation of that day when he will stand at last in his presence and all of his life will be in review. I think it is a salutary thing to think often of that moment. I do. What is the Lord going to say about my life when I stand before him? What is he going to say about yours? How much of it has been self-centered, and how much has been risked, ventured, hazarded for his dear sake?
Finally, because of these two things, the man God uses is a man who is committed, who is eager, who says, "Lord, whatever you want, whenever you want it, I'm ready to follow you." I remember a friend telling me he followed one of these great fruit trucks down the road and on the back of it was a sign that read, "Any load, any place, any time." That is a wonderful motto for Christians. Any load. Lord, any place, Lord, any time. I don't live up to that, but I tell you, I want to, and may God help me to do so. I trust GOD will go ahead of you..
God bless you sir
God bless your Father in the Lord (the Vicar)
God bless King:s Anglican Church
God bless iPriest.


Two Witnesses

                    Two Witnesses

      Who are these end-time representatives of God predicted in Revelation? What will they do? Why are there two witnesses? Why will people rejoice when they die?

            Zechariah saw two olive trees in his dream, which God explained "are the two anointed ones, who    stand beside the Lord of the whole earth” (Zechariah 4:14).

      The last book of the Bible is titled “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” It is often shortened to “Revelation” or the “Apocalypse.” These titles come from the Greek word apokalupsis (meaning “disclosure” or “revelation”) used in the first verse of the first chapter. The title thus conveys the idea of uncovering or revealing.
    Many perceive this book to be the most mysterious of the Bible and the hardest to understand because of the symbolism used. Yet when one understands the terms as used in other sections of Scripture, the book reveals what will happen before and after Christ’s return to earth.
In other words, this book is intended to reveal information rather than conceal it.
Indeed, there are many prophecies, images and symbols contained in this book that are all part of this “uncovering” or “disclosure” from God.
    Among these are a beast with seven heads and 10 horns; two witnesses; “Mystery, Babylon the Great”; a great harlot; seven churches; seven golden lampstands; three angels; four living creatures; 10 kings; 24 elders; the 144,000; the Great Tribulation; a scroll with seven seals; four horses (each a different color); seven trumpets; vials full of plagues; locusts; a Great White Throne; New Jerusalem; 1,000 years (the Millennium); the first resurrection; the second death; Gog and Magog; a lake of fire; 1,260 days; a great dragon; the Book of Life; a mark of the beast; and the number 666.
In the book of Revelation, God says: “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth” (Revelation 11:3).
There is much speculation about who these two representatives of God will be and their 3½-year ministry. Let’s see what the Bible—the only one true source of information on the subject—says about these special individuals

                         Connection with Zechariah

The passage in Revelation goes on to explain, “These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth” (verse 4).
This statement seems to be a continuation of a prophecy God gave the prophet Zechariah to show that God accomplishes things through the power of His Spirit (Zechariah 4:2-10). Olive oil symbolizes God’s Holy Spirit, and God encouraged Zerubbabel—the one who led the rebuilding of the temple—to remember that spiritual things would be accomplished by God’s Spirit and not by his own doing (verse 6).
After explaining this important principle about how His work is done, God then returned to the vision of the olive trees Zechariah had seen: “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth” (Zechariah 4:14, emphasis added throughout).
In the book of Revelation God reveals that these two individuals, who will be full of God’s Holy Spirit in order to do His work, will arise prior to Christ’s return to fulfill their ministry as a light to the world. Just as God accomplished things through the power of His Holy Spirit during the time of Zerubbabel, He will do the same through His two witnesses during the end times.

                                    Why two witnesses?

Throughout the Bible, we find that God often works with pairs of individuals. During the time Zechariah was writing, Zerubbabel served as governor and a man named Joshua served as the high priest (Zechariah 3:1). Earlier, God had used Moses as the leader of the ancient Israelites and his brother Aaron as the high priest.
In the New Testament, Christ sent His disciples out “two by two” (Mark 6:7). Although they occasionally had others traveling with them, Paul and Barnabas worked together to take the gospel to the gentiles.
When two people work together, they can often be more productive than when working alone. Recognizing this principle, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 states: “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.”
Another indication why God will have two witnesses is because of the importance of having at least two people to testify in judicial matters. As Deuteronomy 19:15 states: “One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established” (also see Deuteronomy 17:6).
By having two witnesses, God is following His own law as He, through the two witnesses, warns people to repent of their sins prior to punishing them if they do not heed His instruction.

                        The work of the two witnesses

The account in the book of Revelation gives clues about the work of the two witnesses: “And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire” (Revelation 11:5-6).
As these representatives of God witness to the world that all people need to repent of their sins, they will have access to God’s Holy Spirit to produce miracles reminiscent of other prophets of God. Like Elijah, they will have the power to stop the rain (1 Kings 17:1) and kill anyone who tries to harm them (2 Kings 1:9-12). Like Moses, they will have the power to turn water to blood (Exodus 7:17) and strike the earth with plagues (Exodus 7:14 through 12:30).
But making people suffer is not their primary mission. Instead, like Elijah, their goal will be to encourage people to turn their hearts to God (1 Kings 18:37). Elijah served during a time when ancient Israel had become exceedingly corrupt under wicked King Ahab and his idolatrous wife, Jezebel. Biblical prophecies show that the whole earth will become corrupt prior to the return of Christ (2 Timothy 3:13), and this will be the environment in which the two witnesses will minister.

                                          Biblical types

Through the years, many explanations regarding the two witnesses have been proposed. Previous prophets are often cited as biblical types of what the two witnesses will do. Expositor’s Bible Commentary says, “Identifications range all the way from two historic figures raised to life, to two groups, to two principles, such as the law and the prophets. Tertullian (d. 220) identified the two with Enoch and Elijah” (comments on Revelation 11:3).
While we’ve already seen that Elijah’s powers to stop the rain and kill those who attempted to do him harm were a forerunner of the powers that the two witnesses will have, there is still another reference to Elijah to consider.
Speaking of John the Baptist’s ministry, Luke 1:16-17 says, “And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

This passage shows that God can send additional representatives, such as John the Baptist, with a similar ministry and powers as the prophet Elijah.
While John the Baptist was a fulfillment of the prophecy in Luke 1, indicating that John the Baptist would do an Elijah-like work (Matthew 17:11-13), Malachi 4:5-6 indicates yet another fulfillment of an Elijah-like work at the end of this age. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
Sometimes prophecies can have multiple fulfillments, and this prophecy regarding the work of Elijah seems to be one that falls in this category. John the Baptist was clearly a type of Elijah, and the account in Malachi 4 indicates that another “Elijah” will arise at the end of this age. As for the identity of this end-time Elijah, Scripture indicates that an Elijah-like message to repent and obey God will be preached by the Church of God (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20) and by the two witnesses as they complete their ministry with Elijah-like powers (Revelation 11:5-6).
The explanation of the two witnesses that seems to best fit the Scriptures is that they will be two humans who will prophesy in the spirit and the power of Elijah during the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord. They will come to warn the world to repent of breaking God’s laws and will call for plagues as punishment for disobedience during the 3½ years of their preaching.

                        Counterfeits of the two witnesses

In the book of Revelation, God reveals a prophecy concerning two individuals called “the beast” and “the false prophet,” who will be opposed to the work of the two witnesses. The beast will be the civil leader who all people of the earth, except those faithful to God, will follow (Revelation 13:8). The false prophet is the head of the religious system supporting the beast.
One tool used to understand prophecy is the type-antitype principle. The account in Exodus 7:10-12 provides a preview of things to come at the time of the two witnesses. It begins with the first of several encounters between Moses and Pharaoh. Under Moses’ direction, Aaron threw down the rod and it became a snake. The magicians (Jannes and Jambres) also did the same thing with their rods (Exodus 7:11-12). Water was turned to blood, and the magicians did the same thing (verse 22). These miracles were performed in the presence of Pharaoh.
During the Great Tribulation, the false prophet will also perform miracles. “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
Speaking of this same person, Revelation 13:11, 13-14 says, “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. … He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men [an Elijah-like miracle]. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast.”
Satan will use the beast and the false prophet as counterfeits to the two witnesses. As a result, Satan will continue to deceive the whole world through “signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9) and false religion (also see Matthew 24:24; Revelation 12:9).

                     Why will people rejoice over their deaths?

After the two witnesses complete their 3½-year ministry of preaching the gospel to the entire world, their divine protection will be removed and they will be killed.
“When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 11:7-10).
Why will the world rejoice over their deaths? Most in the world will not like their message of repentance. People do not want to be told that what they are doing is wrong, that they are sinning and need to change. They will be angry because of the plagues being brought on them as punishments for not repenting of their sins, and they will blame the two witnesses for the torment so many will suffer.
The rejoicing over their deaths will be short-lived. After 3½ days, God will resurrect them from the dead, and their enemies will see them ascend to heaven (Revelation 11:7-12). As for their ascending to heaven, this occurs at the end of this age and is not something that has been happening to good people when they die.

                                            What’s the point?

The overall lesson we learn from the two witnesses is that God will send these two special representatives to warn people to repent and change their evil ways—to turn their hearts toward God. We also see that we need to beware of the false prophets that are prophesied to come and we must be careful that we don’t allow ourselves to be deceived. It is far better for us to respond to God now, when we become aware of His expectations of us. GOD BLESS HIS CHURCH

Friday 23 December 2016

Pa Josiah Akindayomi A man of vision and Power


 Although i was born and bred in an Anglican church, but i began to love the history of Redeemed Christian Church of God when i went to serve in the north. I attended RCCG Malumfashi,precisely and that really make a lot of stories in my life.
So,here comes the story of the founder of Redeemed Christian Church Of God, Pa Josiah Akindayomi.
      Pa  Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi was the founder and first general overseer of what is today known as the Redeemed Christian Church of God. The church, today acclaimed as the fastest growing Pentecostal church in the world, started in 1947 as an independent prayer fellowship, the Glory of God Fellowship. This group blossomed into the Redeemed Christian Church of God in 1952.

        The formative years of RCCG started as an Aladura church and ended as a Pentecostal church in 1952.Ojo(2010:19) observed that the Redeemed Christian Church of God is a “Church with an Aladura background which had undergone remarkable transformation under an educated charismatic leader to become a Pentecostal Church”. In other words, there is connectivity between the Cherubim and Seraphim Church and the RCCG.

                 The Birth of Pastor Josiah Akindayomi
The initial name of Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi at childhood was Ogunribido Akindolie. His father’s name was Eleyinmi Akindolie and his mother was named Olakunle Akindolie. The date of his birth is still being contested. Some would claim 1905 while others would cite 1909.
According to Owoeye (2011:9) the date on the programme of funeral rites of Josiah published in 1980 stated July 1905.The Church on its website indicated 1909.At the time of his death on 2nd November, 1980; the church official document indicated that he was 71 years old. The confusion on his actual date of birth was as a result of lack of regular registration of birth in the country and effect of illiteracy of his parents.
The home address of Josiah Akindayomi was no 12, Odo Alafia Street, Odo Jomu in Ondo town of Ondo state (Olaleru, 2007:27).His parents were peasant farmers and worshippers of Ogun divinity. At baptism, he dropped the name Akindolie and adopted the name Josiah Akindayomi. He was baptized in the Anglican Church in Ondo and was opportuned to attend the elementary education provided by the church which could be equated to kindergarten education. The education he received was not enough to be called a formal education.
       From early childhood Josiah's parents noticed unusual things about him. When he was sick, allegedly his sickness, that usually defied traditional medicine-the most common treatment for sickness in those days-would abate and subsequently disappear once he was bathed with ordinary water. Josiah himself also had an inkling that he was different, for although he grew up in an environment where the worship of Ogun (the Yoruba divinity of iron and war) was prevalent, he was aware of the existence of a greater power and yearned to know the true God who created the earth and everyone in it.
      According to Olaleru (2007:32) in 1931, Josiah at the age of 26 left the Anglican Church to join the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement which was newly introduced to Ondo as a visionary and prophetic church in Yorubaland by Prophet Moses Orimolade in Lagos in 1925.
Ayeku (2008:51) quoted Ajayi who interviewed Josiah’s wife thus:
I was truly happy that at last I had found the right place to worship my God. As at that time, the Cherubim and Seraphim Church was standing alone on the word and promises of God, they weren’t even taking tablets or any drugs. If anyone got ill, we would pray for him or her and God would answer and heal the sick.
        A few years later he began to hear a voice inside him declaring that he would be a minister of God. He was not at ease with this voice, which he identified as God's call to full time ministry. For seven years he ignored it, since he had never intended to be a pastor. During this period, virtually everything went wrong for him. All his business ventures failed; heavily in debt and without peace of mind, he found himself totally dependent on the grace of God.

The turning point for Josiah came when, in 1940, he dreamed of an old man scratching his leg. He woke up the next morning with a sore on his leg that deteriorated significantly within a short period of time. Then he heard the voice inside him telling him to submit to God's will and to serve him. When he asked for signs to confirm that the call was from God he was given the following passages as confirmation: Jeremiah 1:4-10, Isaiah 41:10-13, and Romans 8:29-31. Without the use of medication, the Lord healed the sore on his leg. This marked the beginning of a definite relationship with God. Totally broken, he yielded to God, saying, "Lord I will go wherever you want me to go." The Lord assured him that he would provide for all his needs as he would henceforth receive no salary from anyone. This promise from the Lord was a comforting reminder to him during his trials in subsequent months.

          It is therefore necessary to mention that Josiah also had the experience of the Mission church before he went to the Aladura and finally moved to the Pentecostal Church. The circumstance that led to his conversion from the Anglican Church to Cherubim and Seraphim was not too clear. However our informants indicated that an incident in Ondo made him to join the Cherubim and Seraphim. “Ogunribido particularly loved the Cherubim and Seraphim sect because it was given to the practice of fasting, dynamic prayers, visions and trances”. These are some of the features of Aladura Churches. These characteristics were later adopted by the RCCG.
Josiah left Ondo for Ile-Ife in the present Osun state in July 1940(Olaleru,2007).He joined a branch of the Cherubim and Seraphim church at Igbo-Itapa.It was at this location that he had a religious transformation. An illiterate man started to read and write in Yoruba language!
This act may be interpreted as a divine intervention of God in his life. According to Onibere (1982), quoted some scholars on the concept of revelation. According to him, revelation means self disclosure or divine disclosure. Revelation per excellence means God communicating and revealing himself to man. Rudolf Otto opined that in the worship of human beings there is the experience of the divine. 
This divine he has called the numinous or numen praesens (divine presence).He went further to say that man encounters the numinous with fear and trembling, i.e. he is afraid of the numinous. At the same time, man is attracted by the numinous. The two sided phenomena is known as mysterium tremendium et fascinans (i.e. a mystery that is terrifying and at the same time fascinating).
His experience at Ile-Ife was a turning point in his life.
Josiah met his first wife named Esther Egbedire at Ile-Ife in 1941. Ayeku (2008) referred to the woman as Esther Awofisan.The couple left Ile-Ife and became members of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Oke Sioni, Ebute-Metta, Lagos where they got married.
It is necessary to correct some earlier studies that the marriage ceremony was conducted by Moses Tunolase Orimolade, the founder of Cherubim and Seraphim Church. Omoyajowo (1982), an eminent church historian observed that Moses Orimolade died on 19th October 1933, therefore he could not have been responsible for the conduct of the marriage in 1941.His successor, Prophet Abraham William Onanuga was the one who solemnized the marriage at Mount Zion branch of the Church, Ebute-Metta.
Josiah was a leader of a Prayer group known as “Egbe Ogo Oluwa” (the Glory God Society).The members of the group were twelve in number. Some informants believed that the number was in conformity with the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe that it was a coincidence or intentional because Nigerian Church leaders always like to give any action a religious coloration and interpretation.

He was a devoted and a prominent member of the church, however he parted way because of doctrinal issues with the Cherubim and Seraphim Church. Josiah also complained that it was unbiblical for the leadership of the church to venerate and consult the late Moses Orimolade in his grave before certain decisions were taken in the church. It was also claimed by some informants that some members of the leadership of the church became un-comfortable with his popularity; hence there was envy and persecution.
The wrangling and disagreement led to his exit from the Cherubim and Seraphim Church in 1952 and consequently led to the emergence of RCCG.According to Olaleru(2007) “He was accused (among other things) of “anti-church” activities such as organizing Bible Study outside the C&S ambience, with the motive of sheep stealing”. With this development, Prophet Josiah left the C&S church finally and permanently before the close of 1952” (sic).A piece of land at no 9 Willoughby Street became the new address of the church. However, the Church later moved to 1 Cemetery Street both in Ebute Metta,Lagos.The following twelve members constituted the pioneers of the Ogo Oluwa Society(Glory of God Society).These were:J.A.Fakunmoju,Makun(the first ordained Pastor of the Church),J.A.Adekoya,S.K.Padonu,S.A.Olonade,Fadiora,Ilenusi,Okuwobi,Fetuga,Adefeso,G.A.Adefunwa and Matiluko.
 An important event in the history of the young fellowship was taken by Pastor Josiah on the issue of restitution. In other words, as a polygamist (with three wives), he decided to send away the last two of his wives because of his new understanding and interpretation of the Bible. The names of his three wives were Esther, Deborah and Sisi Mi (a nickname given to the third wife)(Olaleru,2007).
Polygamy as a way of life in Yorubaland is an accepted mode of living which enhances the status of a man. Omotoye (2007:336) argues elsewhere that “polygamy was neither a religious matter nor a moral issue.” The idea of one man one wife was introduced by the Christian missionaries in the 19th century.  The European missionaries could not make a difference between Christianity and their cultural practice. Hence, monogamy was made a condition in accepting the new religion.
Josiah accepted the European marriage custom of one man one wife. We believe that the issue of restitution for a polygamist could be sociologically inimical to the welfare of an extended family in Yorubaland. It is one of the ways by which child abuse could triumph in any society. For a man to send a married woman and her children away from home in the name of religion was to the extreme and inhuman. One of the women divorced expressed her feelings thus:
            When Woli (i.e. Prophet) without any quarrel asked me to go because of what he said his God was telling him,and all my pleading did not change his mind, yet l really loved him,l decided to take to take him to court. He did not contest it, so the court asked me to return the #12:6s he had paid    as my dowry back to him.Woli said I should keep it to take    care of our little son with me at the time of this separation    but I tell you l can never forget Akindayomi. He was a very
handsome man,a faithful lover and a very impeccable man. He’s a good man. I know we shall meet again.

The above experience was an expression of agony of a woman who was un-ceremoniously and disgracefully divorced by Josiah because of his new understanding of the gospel!
 Pastor Akindayomi had a brief association with the Apostolic Church before he severed his relationship with it. Ayeku (2008:60) recorded thus:
            When Baba (Josiah) gave his life to Christ (that is, ceased from being a C&S prophet), he was exposed to Faith Tabernacle of U.S.A. And Faith Tabernacle and the Apostolic Faith have many things in common and because of this, you can imagine the strict nature of RCCG during his time as General Superintendent.

The Redeemed Christian Church of God.

The RCCG was formally inaugurated as a Church in 1952.As a result of the charisma and healing powers of the founder many people became attracted to the Church. One of such people was the current General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye and his wife. They joined the Church in 1973.He was given an assignment as an interpreter of the gospel in English; while Josiah was preaching in Yoruba.Gradually, the mantle of leadership was relinquished to Enoch Adeboye.
   The founder revealed in 1979 to a group of few members of the Church who were with him on a trip to United States of America that Pastor Adeboye was to succeed him after his demise.

       One day the Lord revealed to Akindayomi that it was time for him to die. He then sent for Pastor Adeboye and spent several hours with him, sharing the details of the covenant and the plans of the Lord for the church. A year earlier, the Lord had revealed to Pastor Adeboye that he would be Akindayomi's successor, but it was too difficult for him to fully contemplate such an awesome responsibility. Akindayomi died in 1980 at the age of 71. Thereafter Pastor Adeboye's appointment was formalized and he has since been the general overseer of the church.
         Today God is still doing powerful work through the Redeemed Christian Church of God worldwide. In 1981 there was an explosion of growth in the number of parishes. At the last count there were about 2,000 parishes of the church in Nigeria. The church is also present in other African nations, including: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Gambia, Cameroon, and South Africa. In Europe the church has spread to England, Germany, and France. In the Americas there are U.S. parishes in Dallas, Tallahassee, Houston, New York, Washington, and Chicago, and in the Caribbean states of Haiti and Jamaica. One prominent program of the church is the Holy Ghost service, an all-night miracle service, held on the first Friday of every month at the Redemption Camp at Km. 46, Lagos-Ibadan expressway. The average number of those who attend the service is about 500,000. The Holy Ghost service is now also held in London on a quarterly basis.

 The opinion of Ojo (2010:21) is correct when he said that “Charismatic organizations are nevertheless significant because they are concentrated in a highly articulated and highly prestigious group of people. In addition, they are led by the educated elite, which though small in number, exert considerable influence in the society”. The formal western education which the founder of the church lacked was judiciously and maximally used for the organization and new innovations introduced by Pastor E. Adeboye.



Faith and fear are enemy but the fearful shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Below is a short story of a christian who battle and become a victims of fear. Pastor Michael came back from a church service, as he was trying enter his house; he saw a car knocking down a road cleaner in front of his house and ran away. He quickly ran to see the man knocked down and found out that he’s almost dying. He taught within himself, how can I help this man, if I should try to rush him to the hospital and he died on his way, I will be locked behind the bar.

If I leave him alone and I allow him to die in front of my house. I will be arrested for I will be the first suspect. Then he quickly carried the man away from his house before the corps arrives. And dump him behind a bush. As he was dumping the man, the man was crying and asking for help but Pastor Michael ran away. After two hours some people passing by saw the man and quickly called for emergency and the man was rushed to the hospital. 30 minute later the Man died and the doctor said, if they have brought this man 2 hours before now, he may have survive the accident, but now, the wound is too deep that blood has flow to a place it should not. That was what causes the man’s death. 

Satan has worked seriously most on the forces of every country. He has used them to impose fear into the mind of people and cause them not to want to do what is right in sight of God and Man. Pastor Michael allow fear to rule over him which cause the death of the Road Worker Man, and he’s guilty of an innocent blood. Michael end up in hell because he fail to save his neighbors life and allow fear to rule his life instead of faith. Is it not better to obey God and end up in jail?
He fail to help his neighbor as the Lord instructed him but allow fear to rule over him, forgetting the promise of the Lord that he will not lead you to temptation but deliver you from evil, you forgot that the Lord said he will not lead you into the trap of the wicked, you lack faith and you allow fear to rule over you. Faith and Fear are enemy and the fearful shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Revelation 21:8) Pastor Michael, your hand is stain with an innocent blood and you are guilty.

Fear, The Faster Killer Of Christian Faith And Life.
The world has turned darkened in such that Satan is the one ruling the countries. In the olden days, when someone had an accident, people will rush to rescue him or her, but today, even if anyone collapse in front of your house or shop, they will quickly closed their shop and run away or drag him away from their house as pastor Michael did. Because if the police come, they will arrest the owner of the house that he was the one who killed him even when they know he is innocent. The best lies in the whole world are found in their mouth. Their camp is full of innocent blood. Many are in their custody for doing good and what is right.

Much innocent blood has being shed by them. Their go is go and their come is come, they do not care to do proper investigation, all they know is we saw him, so he must be the criminal we have being looking for. Many Children of God has end up in hell because of fear to fall into the hands of the Police. They fail to help their neighbor because of fear to be locked behind the bar. Many Children of God has turned into Bribe giver because of them, for Satan is using them seriously as a stumbling stone against the children of God.

Thursday 22 December 2016

FEAR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psalms 34:3-11 (KJV)
4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. 6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 9 O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. 10 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.
He exhorts to the fear of God
     11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

Fear grabs our attention. It gets us ready to fight—or flee. Whether we mask our fear with macho bravado or slink away to seek refuge, it can have a powerful effect on our thinking, decisions and actions.
A healthy fear can keep us from harm. But too often fear keeps us from doing what we want—or need—to do. Sometimes it provokes us into wrong or dangerous responses. Biblically speaking, fear can contribute to obeying—or disobeying—God’s law.
Why does fear seem so pervasive in society today, and what can we do to control it?
Increasing troubles in the world and our neighborhoods can make us feel like we are living in a fear zone. Politicians and hucksters of every stripe play on our fears for their own benefit, but that doesn’t mean the underlying dangers are not real.
Terrorism, mass shootings, spreading warfare, violent crime, disease epidemics, natural disasters, deadly animals—all of these are in the news and too often in our entertainment and our nightmares.
Some high-profile dangers we tend to overplay (like fear of sharks, flying and mass shootings), while other much more common killers we tend to downplay (like auto accidents and germs). Many of the things we fear never happen to us, and even when they do, all our anxieties and worries generally have done nothing to protect us.
The Bible does not minimize many of the things we fear. In fact, it shows that the world will become more dangerous and frightening as the end times approach.
But it also shows how we can deal with our fears—both the good and the bad.

Fear of the Lord

First, the good fear.
The Bible does promote an exceptional fear—a reasonable fear that actually allows us to eradicate all the deceptive and destructive fears. This healthy awe and respect for our Creator puts us on the path to spiritual knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; Psalm 111:10).

Fear vs. faith

The Bible instructs God’s people many times to “fear not.” God does not want us to be debilitated by fear.
For those who have the proper awe and respect for God and who strive to obey His commands, God makes some wonderful promises:
  • “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10)
  • “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you” (Isaiah 54:13-14).
  • “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).
  • “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).
  • “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).
  • “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).
  • “For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6).
As we grow in the faith to believe these promises, we can increase our ability to turn our worries over to God.
Consider the following biblical principles and examples in your battle with fear:

Go to God with your fears

We can ask God for His strength and peace. David, a man after God’s own heart, faced many frightening situations. After escaping one terrifying incident in the midst of Philistine territory, he wrote, “I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).
The apostle Paul, no stranger to fears himself (2 Corinthians 7:5), gave this advice and reassurance: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Seek God’s Spirit

God gives His Spirit to those who repent and are baptized (Acts 2:38), and one fruit of His Spirit is peace (Galatians 5:22). Paul also said it is not “a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). God’s Spirit empowers us to control our thinking and to do the right things for the right reason.

Our trust in God is based on His promises and His faithfulness. The Faith Chapter, Hebrews 11, is full of stories of men and women who grew to believe that God would do exactly what He promised. Their trust in the faithful God helped them face their fears and act in faith. It helped them wait patiently and courageously endure terrifying trials.
The greatest example is Jesus Christ Himself. “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).
We can ask God for more faith (Luke 17:5; Mark 9:24). We should then act on that faith in obedience to God, since “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). If our focus is on God’s Word and His eternal promises more than the temporary physical circumstances, we will increase our faith and decrease our fear. 

Focus on the positive

Like the faithful people of old, we should focus beyond this fearful world on the positive future God has in store. We can also meditate on and appreciate the comfort and peace God gives now.
Paul directed our thinking toward the positive: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8).
He also often extolled the importance of gratitude: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Perfect love casts out fear

On our spiritual journey we must never forget our foundational fear of the Lord—our reverence for Him; our recognition of our dependence on Him. This proper perspective should lead to appreciation and praise—and a deeper love of the God who has given us everything we have and ever will receive. He loved us so much He even gave His own Son!
So our relationship with God grows on that foundation. “We love Him because He first loved us,” John wrote (1 John 4:19).
What does that love do? If we follow His steps and let Him live in us, we will not need to fear the only thing worth fearing: God’s day of judgment (verse 17; Matthew 10:28 God bless you!!!!

Preparing for the Presence of God

“Prepare the way for the Lord;
make His paths straight!
. . . and everyone will see the salvation of God.”—Luke 3:4, 6
If we are to receive the powerful presence of God, we must prepare ourselves. John the Baptist was God's messenger to help people prepare to receive the Savior of the world. John preached unwaveringly: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven at hand!” (Matt. 3:2). Those who heard John's message and prepared their lives recognized Jesus when He came, and they left all to follow Him. This was especially true of the disciples, whose hearts God Himself prepared (Matt. 16:17). Preparation must precede God's presence!

God's instruction for preparation is specific: repentance! This involves a complete change of mind, heart, will, and behavior toward Him. He is Lord, and your life must be prepared to receive Him as your Lord. Anything less is inadequate. Some were obviously unprepared to follow Jesus and missed the opportunity (Luke 9:57–62). The religious leaders of Jesus' day were largely unprepared for His arrival. They knew the Messiah was coming. They even knew where He would be born (Matt. 2:4–6). Yet when word came that the Savior had been born, they made no effort to join Him, preferring instead their religious ritual.

If you are unprepared, you, too, will miss the opportunity to experience Jesus. You may practice religion, but you will miss God. While others encounter the Lord personally in worship, your heart will remain unmoved. As others receive a fresh word from God, you will experience a painful silence. Religious activity can never substitute for a heart that is pure before Him. Purity comes only through repentance. Pray, as the Psalmist did, that God will examine your heart and reveal your need to repent of your sin (Ps. 139:23–24).

Who Are You?

The evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize—but who are you?”—Acts 19:15
There is no secondhand spirituality. No one else can develop Christian maturity on your behalf. A strong Christian heritage is an asset, but it cannot take the place of your own vibrant, growing relationship with Christ.

Paul had a powerful walk with God. God used him so mightily that extraordinary miracles occurred through his life. Cloths that touched Paul were taken to the sick, and the sick were healed (Acts 19:10–12). Evil spirits were cast out. Paul's preaching and teaching were instrumental in building a strong church in Ephesus. Paul's ministry was so impressive, in fact, that others tried to duplicate it.

Seven sons of the chief priest, Sceva, attempted to cast out demons the way Paul did. They confronted an evil spirit and attempted to exorcise it “by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.” These men were trying to use a spiritual power that Paul had acquired after years of walking closely with his Lord. They could imitate Paul's words, but they could not duplicate the power that was his through his personal relationship with God. The evil spirit retorted, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?” The demon then viciously attacked them and humiliated them. The evil spirits were fearfully aware of Jesus (James 2:19); they were familiar with Paul's influence over the powers of darkness. But the demons had no knowledge of the seven sons of Sceva.
You can duplicate the words and deeds of a spiritually mature Christian, but you cannot inherit his or her walk with God. Christian maturity takes effort; it comes over time. If you ignore the place of prayer and if you neglect your relationship with Christ, you will not grow in your faith. Imitating the faith of others will not give you victory. Only as you nurture your own relationship with Jesus will your life be filled with spiritual maturity and power.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Sing Like Drey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God created us to be unique and special, He fashioned us to be a tool in  his vineyard. 

Psalm 139;14 I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well.

So I'm not saying that you have to be like Drey, but you can develop yourself.
He was born in the 80s and he has been a chorister for many years. He is currently the choir warden of King's Anglican Church Choir Lagos. 

     He is a bass singer that have motivated a lot of people. He will never look down on anybody and he is a great motivator. 
    Drey have a spectacular voice and that is what we are talking about today. 


You can learn how to care for your voice and get the best out of it. We’ve gathered the 8 best tips on how to improve your voice. Some vocal tips may seem obvious, some might be new for you. Let’s get started. 

1. Take care of your health to improve your voice

  1. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. The membranes which produce the sound function best when hydrated.
  2. Whenever the throat feels scratchy, stay silent and let your voice rest.
  3. When having a cold, try not to sing. Drink some tea, eat cough candy and be quiet instead.
  4. Quit smoking if you want your voice to be better. Smoke damages your lungs and throat. You don’t need it for the smoky voice either – learn how to sing with smoky voice without cigarettes.
  5. There are also some foods that might affect your voice. Those are spicy food, coffee, alcohol, milk products, and nuts. Try out if they harm your voice.

2. Warm up before singing (Voice Training)

Are you having cracks in your voice when singing? Does the throat hurt after singing? That’s a sign you need to warm up (more) next time. Your vocal cords need a warm up, just like your body muscles before doing sports.
What is a vocal warm-up? A set of exercises which prepare the voice and body for singing or speaking. It includes the following:
No worries if you haven’t done it before: It’s not difficult and many people have recorded tutorials showing warm up exercises.
How deep or high you start, depends on the type of your voice. Make sure to warm up both, the chest and head voices. This video brings it to a point and shows a set of exercises.

3. Sing at least 30 minutes a day

How to improve your voice? By practicing! Just like every other workout, you need to train your voice daily. A short daily practice will make your vocal cords stronger. Day by day, your voice will become better. If you can afford, try to sing for a couple of hours daily.
Take care before important gigs and auditions: Don’t overdo the night before. You need your voice smooth and rested when performing. Better sing just a little the day before.

4. Record your voice to listen to yourself

In order to know how you really sound when singing, you need to record yourself.
  • Use the computer or smartphone or even an online free song recorder.
  • Sing a song you know well – so you can concentrate on HOW to sing it instead of what to sing.
  • Listen to the recording you made. At first, you probably won’t like it. Get over it and listen to your mistakes to learn from them. Notice what you did well, too.
  • Compare the way you’re singing to the original recording. What does the singer do better? What can you change to sound more unique?
  • Practice some ear training exercises – the better your ear, the better you’ll be singing
Alternatively, you can use this famous trick. Grab behind your ears or close one ear to listen to your voice the way others hear it.

5. Sing songs you are comfortable with

Respect your limits and choose songs you are capable of singing. When exercising, choose something a little challenging but manageable. For performances and auditions, it’s even more important to stick to pieces you’ll manage.
Choose also songs you really enjoy singing. That way it’s more fun. Find out how to use the backing track library of 1000+ songs.

6. Express emotions while singing

This is one of the dullest tips I ever got from my vocal teachers (get yourself a teacher, by the way!): You have to feel the song. And she was right! You can totally hear the difference if somebody is singing from the heart or simply repeating the words and the melody. So singing with emotions is a huge factor to improve your voice.
Try those steps:
  • Choose songs you can relate to.
  • Use your facial expression to stress what you’re singing about.
  • Sing in front of the mirror and look for eye-contact of your audience.
  • Try out different stressing, record your voice and check which one you like most.

7. Sing quietly

Singing quietly is probably the most challenging part of the singing process. Many amateur singers try to sing very loud to make up for wrong notes. Try to avoid this. It will damage your cords. Additionally, too loud singing sounds cranky instead of powerful.
In any case, avoid screaming and don’t strain your voice. A soft voice is achieved by correct body language and breath (point 8).

8. Use your body & breath to improve your voice

  1. The body is the most important instrument for a performer. The best tips are to avoid tensions in neck and shoulders. Unlock your knees and control your breath.
  2. It’s best to breath into your belly instead of your chest. Don’t move your shoulders when breathing in. Ken Taylor explains how it works in a pretty nice way: 
  3. Think down when you are singing high notes. There is the tendency to lift the chin at high notes. Resist the urge and also think of adding some weight to the notes to support your voice.
  4. Keep your chin down to sound better. You can practice in front of a mirror and record yourself to hear a difference.

How to train your voice to sound better? – a quick exercise

  1. Stand in front of the mirror.
  2. Stand upright, without tension in your knees or neck.
  3. Start slowly breathing in and out through your belly.
  4. Start singing some scales in a comfortable pitch to slowly warm up your body. First, sing them with a closed mouth and the letter “m”. Then move on to “na”. And then to a “la”.
  5. After you warmed up, choose a song you can comfortably sing. Sing it in front of the mirror and watch your body language and mimics. Try to sing the text of the song to yourself, as if you would talk to a lovely friend. Do you notice any difference in your voice?
  6. Watching or recording yourself might be odd in the beginning, but it will truly help you. Especially, if you are not taking vocal classes with a teacher.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Unclothing The Mysteries Behind Prayer

                                                      Mysteries Behind Prayer

Isaiah 62:6-7 "I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth"
Consequently, there is a spiritual sickness raving the church because men has gone on spiritual holiday. The scripture, emphasis  "GIVE HIM NO REST" God isn't interested in rest--It says. Take no rest for yourself and give God no rest until he establishes and make Jerusalem a praise of the land.
God is looking for a praying people. Many teach about prayer but didn't practice it. Though you might not be spiritual to preach, do you know a sinner can preach? People can preach anything but it takes a spiritual man to pray.
When i mean PRAYER, I don't mean the HIT and RUN kinds of prayer. There are people who are hastening comer and hasten goers in the presence of God. When they come and knock, before the Lord will say "YES - WHO IS KNOCKING? They are already in the taxi, that is not the kind of prayer am talking. 
When a man had has an INTERCOURSE with JEHOVAH in secret, when he comes on the open it becomes a prayer of DEGREE and Jehovah will rectify the prayer. But when a man begins to go from North to South, you know he is just trying to gather momentum.
                                                     WHAT IS PRAYER?
Prayer is essentially relationship with God, and it is this relationship that is at the heart of the Christian faith. It is amazing to realize that the God who created all that we see around us in the universe wants you and me to be in regular touch with him. 
Prayer is a disinfectant that purifies the air of contagious Demons. Its purges the head of territorial demons; Case-study; Organized a singing competition even the devil wouldn't bother, in fact, while you are singing he will be presence to dance. One thing about music is that God like music and Satan also likes music.
But when you organized a prayer meeting, you are directly organizing war at the kingdom of darkness and be sure that devil will oppose it. PRAYER is disinfectants.when POWER meet power the lesser power will bow to the superior power. PRAYER is weakness leaning on omnipotent. The secret success in Christianity is prayer. Am searching for brethren who will stay one month without prayer, --Let know what will happen to them.
If you stay one full month without prayer, at the end of the month we shall come to celebrate your spiritual obituary, because your soul can't prosper in the neglect of prayer. Prayer is entering into the HOLY OF HOLLIES; Sanctum-Sanctum and it takes a prayer man or woman to get into Holy of Holies. That is why a sinner cannot pray. A sinner can read prayer. I mean picking your words, by saying “FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THOU KINGDOM....!
But to pray, flowing from your heart as a child approaching the father, by saying "FATHER I BLESS YOU, I GIVE YOU ALL GLORY, I WORSHIP YOU, YOU ARE LORD, YOU ARE KING....! They wouldn't have that boldness because it’s written Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear" A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian and when you are powerless you become a football at the hand of Devil.
PRAYER is spiritual oxygen. Biologically, you can't survive without oxygen. Prayer is to go to big nose of God. When he is breathing out you are breathing in. Any day you go to breath from the mouth of God, it wills victory-victory throughout. When you stop praying, you stop breathing and your spiritual obituary will be at the corner.
That is why; your condition is like this. There is this spiritual illness in you when you stop praying; praying is knocking at the throne of God. Prayer is fuel and oil. Show me the car that will move out in the morning without checking fuel and oil.
Unfortunate today, there are preachers and leaders in the church who has knock spiritual engine. Therefore, if you want God to do something in your life, so that you can usher into the revival the church is aching-for, you better begin to think about your prayer life.
They preach and preach but don't have time to go to fueling station to re-fuel. They are busy Judging cases and settling disputes and giving counseling. To pray is to go to fueling station. Show me a preacher who preaches and also go to filling station--There will be perpetual anointing and his head will lack no oil.
Unfortunate, many preachers gives-out but has no time to Re-fuel. Our problem is that, we have give out but don't go to the filling station for re-fueling. I can hear the Holy Ghost crying; WHO WILL PRAY? Wanted; wanted; wanted. The present condition of the church today is as a result of powerlessness; if we begin to do a serious prayer revival will come.
If revival must come, somebody must pray for it. Revival is a child of prayers. When you begin to pray anything can happen at any time. PRAYER is food for the Holy Ghost. The delicious food you can cook for the Holy Ghost is to go to your corner and pray. I see praying as flogging the devil. To pray is to flog the devil. I haven't seen anything the devil opposes than prayer meeting.
He may not oppose committee meeting, Singing and church gathering because it may be an opportunity for him. But to organize a prayer....heh, watch-out an attack from him because to organize Prayer is to lead a holy rebellion against the kingdom of darkness. I also see Prayer as spiritual fertilizer. Show me a church where souls are not repenting. If people of God can go and fertilizer that place, they will reap souls out of that place.
There was a church where nobody is growing, even the members are backsliding and moving out of the church. The church was decreasing in attendant. Then one day, three member of that church, they have a burden. They went into the room of the church for prayer.
They said "God members are backsliding from the church, God we will not come-out from this room until you do something about this church" They went to wrestle with God and for 1-3 days they refused to see the sky. Hence on the 4th day, they came-out and went and hired benches-expecting visitors.
When it was time for church service no visitor came. When it was the time to preach, the pastor opened the usual bible. Why is this bible Usual? Because he has been preaching from that same bible all years and yet nothing happen. Brethren, prayer can change the message at the pulpit. The only way to change a church is by prayer. However, a carnal pastor cannot stand before a praying congregation. When the church begins pray, carnal pastor, deacons and elders will began to resign from the church.
The holy ghost will flush them out by causing them to see error and mistakes in the church, therefore giving them up to reprobate mind to become General oversea by going to establish their own churches. When we begin to pray, the pastor who didn't flow in spirit will resign because of the power of God.
Back to the testimony--when the pastor open the usual bible the natural become supernatural. Instantly, the power of God came down and every member of the church begins to roll on the ground.
Nevertheless, that very day some people where passing-by and saw all the members of the church rolling on the ground.
There was a mighty rush. People troop into the church to see the pastor who was slaying his members. Nobody knew, that was Holy Ghost method to cause that church to grow. People surrender the church to see the slaying pastor. God opened heaven and release his power upon them and they all joined in the chorus of rolling on the ground. None of them left without becoming full member of that church. 
Brethren, you are the cause of any problem that is happening in your church because you gossips and talk more rather than praying. You refuse to understand the secret behind prayers. Please always seek for spiritual revival of your prayer life because a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.
God bless his Church and grant it a Spirit of Revival.


Friday 16 December 2016


In this perilous timing, it might seem difficult and very tough to locate a genuine bible believing church. Hence, through this message I sincerely believe the Lord shall widen your knowledge on how to behold a genuine bible believing church within or around your neighborhood.

Though, it might seem hectic in locating or identifying a genuine bible believing church due to the adulterated sermon been ministered today in most church. Nevertheless, the degree in seeking for discernment spirit of the Holy Ghost in seeking out for a genuine church can’t be over-ridden because Holy Ghost is our great comforter and author of the church. He is the only person who is in rightful position of leading us to the genuine house of God for fellowship.

However, before you determined to seek out for genuine churches for fellowship, you must first embraced the full fellowship of the Holy Ghost into your life. Likewise, pray unto God to overwhelmed you with the spirit of discernment and ask him to leads and direct your foot step to his church.
                                             Picture (King's Anglican Church Lagos)
1. The pastor must be conscious of soul winning, instead of accumulating multitudes of soul without heavenly zeal. The pulpit messages must be focus in heavenly glory; such as rapture, repentance of sin, consequence of sin and danger of hell fire, immersion baptism and baptism of the Holy Ghost, sanctification, revival,spiritual maturity and awaken of brethren unto evangelism and heavenly zeal.

2 . The church must also enforce restitution and discipline of compromised brethren. There must be godly fearfulness in modesty dressing in the church especially within the women folks. The church doctrine must abolished every form of ungodly dressing, women trousers, earrings, jewelries, ornaments, necklace, wedding rings, mini skirt, exposure of women seducing armpit, breast cleavage and laps and ensuring of women head covering. Lateness to church services is highly prohibited.

3. The pastor zeal must focus on gathering few dedicated brethren to heaven rather than laying input in inspiration and motivational messages, earthly riches and glory in quest of leading multitude to hell.

4. The pastor will give exegesis on verses which simply means that it gives a clear meaning to the original language.  It makes clear what the author intended.  It should be more easily understood.  It may bring out the culture of the time, the background of the church, or why particular verses were written down and for what reason.
One sign to look for in a Bible-believing church is not a full parking lot. It is not one that has a long list of church activities.  It is not one that has a huge, shinny exterior that looks exquisitely beautiful.   Today you can not trust your eyes and see what the church looks like from the outside.  Truly you must hear what is taught from the pulpit and attending a mega-church is no guarantee that you will hear biblical teachings.
The Word of God is not a feel-good, live-a-better-life message.  It should do two things:  Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.  Too many churches have a health, wealth, and prosperity gospel.  This church is not for you.  The Word of God cuts sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts into the inner most parts of the human heart.  It must convict and convince…not give you advice on how to live a happier, healthier life.

I pray if you don’t have a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching, Christ-centered church, you can find one.  He is waiting there for you.  If you are not attending church at all, then you are disobeying a direct command that God has given in Hebrews 10:25 and you are “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”  Of course some people live in an area where there is no church or some are missionaries and they have church where they can.  But for most of us, we can find a church home otherwise you will not grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord as you could.  That “Day” that is mentioned in Hebrews 10:25 is the Day of the Lord. It is fast approaching although no one can know when that day is for certain.  I hope you can find a good church home and one that teaches from the Word of God.  I pray this helps.
God bless you.