Friday 23 December 2016


Faith and fear are enemy but the fearful shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Below is a short story of a christian who battle and become a victims of fear. Pastor Michael came back from a church service, as he was trying enter his house; he saw a car knocking down a road cleaner in front of his house and ran away. He quickly ran to see the man knocked down and found out that he’s almost dying. He taught within himself, how can I help this man, if I should try to rush him to the hospital and he died on his way, I will be locked behind the bar.

If I leave him alone and I allow him to die in front of my house. I will be arrested for I will be the first suspect. Then he quickly carried the man away from his house before the corps arrives. And dump him behind a bush. As he was dumping the man, the man was crying and asking for help but Pastor Michael ran away. After two hours some people passing by saw the man and quickly called for emergency and the man was rushed to the hospital. 30 minute later the Man died and the doctor said, if they have brought this man 2 hours before now, he may have survive the accident, but now, the wound is too deep that blood has flow to a place it should not. That was what causes the man’s death. 

Satan has worked seriously most on the forces of every country. He has used them to impose fear into the mind of people and cause them not to want to do what is right in sight of God and Man. Pastor Michael allow fear to rule over him which cause the death of the Road Worker Man, and he’s guilty of an innocent blood. Michael end up in hell because he fail to save his neighbors life and allow fear to rule his life instead of faith. Is it not better to obey God and end up in jail?
He fail to help his neighbor as the Lord instructed him but allow fear to rule over him, forgetting the promise of the Lord that he will not lead you to temptation but deliver you from evil, you forgot that the Lord said he will not lead you into the trap of the wicked, you lack faith and you allow fear to rule over you. Faith and Fear are enemy and the fearful shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Revelation 21:8) Pastor Michael, your hand is stain with an innocent blood and you are guilty.

Fear, The Faster Killer Of Christian Faith And Life.
The world has turned darkened in such that Satan is the one ruling the countries. In the olden days, when someone had an accident, people will rush to rescue him or her, but today, even if anyone collapse in front of your house or shop, they will quickly closed their shop and run away or drag him away from their house as pastor Michael did. Because if the police come, they will arrest the owner of the house that he was the one who killed him even when they know he is innocent. The best lies in the whole world are found in their mouth. Their camp is full of innocent blood. Many are in their custody for doing good and what is right.

Much innocent blood has being shed by them. Their go is go and their come is come, they do not care to do proper investigation, all they know is we saw him, so he must be the criminal we have being looking for. Many Children of God has end up in hell because of fear to fall into the hands of the Police. They fail to help their neighbor because of fear to be locked behind the bar. Many Children of God has turned into Bribe giver because of them, for Satan is using them seriously as a stumbling stone against the children of God.

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