Friday 16 December 2016


In this perilous timing, it might seem difficult and very tough to locate a genuine bible believing church. Hence, through this message I sincerely believe the Lord shall widen your knowledge on how to behold a genuine bible believing church within or around your neighborhood.

Though, it might seem hectic in locating or identifying a genuine bible believing church due to the adulterated sermon been ministered today in most church. Nevertheless, the degree in seeking for discernment spirit of the Holy Ghost in seeking out for a genuine church can’t be over-ridden because Holy Ghost is our great comforter and author of the church. He is the only person who is in rightful position of leading us to the genuine house of God for fellowship.

However, before you determined to seek out for genuine churches for fellowship, you must first embraced the full fellowship of the Holy Ghost into your life. Likewise, pray unto God to overwhelmed you with the spirit of discernment and ask him to leads and direct your foot step to his church.
                                             Picture (King's Anglican Church Lagos)
1. The pastor must be conscious of soul winning, instead of accumulating multitudes of soul without heavenly zeal. The pulpit messages must be focus in heavenly glory; such as rapture, repentance of sin, consequence of sin and danger of hell fire, immersion baptism and baptism of the Holy Ghost, sanctification, revival,spiritual maturity and awaken of brethren unto evangelism and heavenly zeal.

2 . The church must also enforce restitution and discipline of compromised brethren. There must be godly fearfulness in modesty dressing in the church especially within the women folks. The church doctrine must abolished every form of ungodly dressing, women trousers, earrings, jewelries, ornaments, necklace, wedding rings, mini skirt, exposure of women seducing armpit, breast cleavage and laps and ensuring of women head covering. Lateness to church services is highly prohibited.

3. The pastor zeal must focus on gathering few dedicated brethren to heaven rather than laying input in inspiration and motivational messages, earthly riches and glory in quest of leading multitude to hell.

4. The pastor will give exegesis on verses which simply means that it gives a clear meaning to the original language.  It makes clear what the author intended.  It should be more easily understood.  It may bring out the culture of the time, the background of the church, or why particular verses were written down and for what reason.
One sign to look for in a Bible-believing church is not a full parking lot. It is not one that has a long list of church activities.  It is not one that has a huge, shinny exterior that looks exquisitely beautiful.   Today you can not trust your eyes and see what the church looks like from the outside.  Truly you must hear what is taught from the pulpit and attending a mega-church is no guarantee that you will hear biblical teachings.
The Word of God is not a feel-good, live-a-better-life message.  It should do two things:  Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.  Too many churches have a health, wealth, and prosperity gospel.  This church is not for you.  The Word of God cuts sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts into the inner most parts of the human heart.  It must convict and convince…not give you advice on how to live a happier, healthier life.

I pray if you don’t have a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching, Christ-centered church, you can find one.  He is waiting there for you.  If you are not attending church at all, then you are disobeying a direct command that God has given in Hebrews 10:25 and you are “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”  Of course some people live in an area where there is no church or some are missionaries and they have church where they can.  But for most of us, we can find a church home otherwise you will not grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord as you could.  That “Day” that is mentioned in Hebrews 10:25 is the Day of the Lord. It is fast approaching although no one can know when that day is for certain.  I hope you can find a good church home and one that teaches from the Word of God.  I pray this helps.
God bless you.

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