Sunday 20 November 2016

The Coming day of the Lord.

Text: Matt 24:44
According to Anglican calendar,this Sunday is the last Sunday in Trinity. It prepares us for the beginning of another Christian calendar called ''Advent Sunday'. We commemorate the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. The subject of the coming day of the Lord is a very important one, it is to remind the Christians of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Old testament, The day of the Lord means a period when God will enact His sovereignty over the world. It is also a period that God will judge those who forsake the God of Israel to follow other gods. It is the day of vengeance on the enemies of Israel and the manifestation of final deliverance of Israel.
The pronouncement of the day of the Lord by the prophets of old was a clear warning to the sinners among them of the danger of trusting in other gods,but for the committed faithfuls,it is a day of hope and Victory.
The New Testament took up this Old Testament expression to point to Christ's final victory,immortals or mortals and final judgment of sinners. Different expression like ''The day of Jesus'' Phil 1:6. ''Day of our Lord'' 1 Cor 1:8. ''Day of the Lord'' 1 Cor 5:5. ''Day of Christ'' Phil 1:10. ''Day of judgement'' 1 John 4:17. ''Day of wrath'' Rom 2:5 were recorded in the New Testament.
The second coming will mark the fulfillment of His promises. Matt 24:30, Act 1:11, Rev 20:1-6. The second coming shall mark the triumph of good over evil and the reign of justice and peace shall be established.
To doubt the reality of the second coming is to doubt the reality and validity of God's word.
The second coming of Christ raises our hope and confidence that God is in control of all things and is faithful to His word and promises. Titus 2:13.
Christ will come not as a lamb but as a judge. You might have heard that we are in the end times,the last days and that Jesus is returning soon. The question is, will you be ready when the Lord shall come? He illustrated how His coming would look like in a parable recorded in Matt 25:1-13.
Jesus also said in Matt 24:36-44,that no one knows the day or time. Don't doubt in your heart saying,where is the promise of Jesus Coming? It will surely come,it is imminent.
Apostle Paul told us to comfort one another with the expectation of Christ's return in this perilous time. This world is not our home,we are just passing through. Phil 3:20-21, 2 Cor 5:1, 2 Peter 3:1-13, James 5:7-8. Christ will return at an unexpected time,so we must be ready,Live a holy and be committed to the things of God as we await His returns.
God bless You
God bless King's Anglican Church

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